Page 12 of Monster’s Magic
He grabs my hands before I can do anything and thrusts them above my head with one of his meaty paws. He straddles my hips and sits, but not with all his weight. I think he would crush me with his massive monster-sized self if he did.
“I didn’t expect that from you,” Shayde says, his voice low and gruff. “You’re stronger than I thought.”
I feel a surge of pride at his words, but staring into the burning embers of his eyes, I know he didn’t let me win anything. I have, indeed, stunned him today.
I still have a lot to learn. “I’ve been practicing,” I say, my voice soft with determination. “I still have a long way to go, but I’m getting there.”
Shayde nods, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. “I can see that,” he says. “Consider me thunderstruck. I won’t make the mistake of underestimating you again.”
I smile, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Shayde. I can’t help myself when my gaze snaps to his lips. He smirks and I quickly look back at his eyes. “Can I get up now,” I whisper.
He nods and releases the grip on my hands.
“Up off the woman,” the professor calls. “I know you’re pissed you lost—”
“I’m not pissed,” Shayde cuts him off. “Just… caught off guard.” He holds out a hand for me and I study it for a moment. He moves his fingers in a come here movement.
Placing my hand in his, enjoyment surges through me at the softness of his skin. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but tenderness was not it. I didn’t pay attention to how he felt on my wrists as I was in a fight or flight mode.
“Way to go, Teagan,” a fellow classmate calls out.
I didn’t catch who it was, but I call out, “Thanks,” anyway.
“Maybe next time the professor will put us together.” Dafni Frangidi bumps my shoulder with hers, almost too hard. I stumble over and Shayde catches me.
“How about we go now,” I say.
“Time and place,” she says, and continues toward the door.
“Not here, ladies,” the professor states. “Save it for the ring.”
“Are you all right?” Shayde holds onto my arms.
I nod. “Thank you. I have no idea why she hates me so much.”
Shayde takes a step back and like before, his body quakes as he returns to his former self. He still looks the same, just a foot taller than me now and not so ginormous. He cracks his neck and shakes out his arms. “Probably jealous or something.”
“Of me?” I laugh a short stint. “There’s nothing to be jealous of, trust me.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” he argues and we walk toward the exit of the gym. He pushes opens the door the gym for me.
“Thank you,” I say softly, and step through. “See you in Creatures?”
“Yeah, see you there,” he answers and takes off in the other direction.
I have no idea what just happened between us, or what transpired today, but I’m happy and feel excitement in a way I haven’t felt in a very long time. Especially today of all days.
“So… making new friends all sorts of ways, huh?” Evie teases me as she slips her arm around mine.
“Maybe,” I state. “He’s kind of hot, right?”
“Totally. In a I-just-rose-from-hell-and-I’m-here to-make-your-panties-wet kind of way.” Evie waggles her brows.
I laugh, hard. With a shake of my head, we venture our way down the hall and I wonder what it would be like to be with someone like Shayde? I shake it off because I’m jumping way ahead of myself here.
First, I need to get through this day unscathed and hope Dafni backs the fuck off. Then, maybe, after our classes, Shayde may ask me out or maybe I might just find him on the field training… hot and sweaty.
Ugh… good lord, get it together.