Page 14 of Monster’s Magic
I straighten at the sudden sound ofhisvoice, right next to my ear.
Whirling around, I’m face to face with Shayde. He’s bent down to my eye level.
I blink, then backstep to not be so close. “Umm, yes,” I answer.
“I didn’t mean to startle you.” He stands to full height.
“You didn’t,” I lie. “I didn’t realize fourth years still take this class.”
He smirks. “I’m not taking, I’m assisting. Class credit.”
I make an ‘oh’ with my mouth. Shayde makes his way over to the professor. They exchange a few words as more unicorns come into view.
Considering they’re called ‘dark unicorns’, it isn’t just for their nature. They’re also black in color. Where each one is a unique shade, their eyes are all different colors. One with blue eyes rears back and throws his front hoofs in the air. Another with gold orbs bends down to eat some grass. Then there’s a red-eyed one who breathes puffs of steam from his nose. The horn on his head is silver with jagged edges around the twisting knob.
Professor Wright approaches the red-eyed one and the unicorn throws his head toward him as if trying to slash his body. The professor exclaims something to the beast, forcing it back a few steps.
“Right,” the professor states and faces us with his clipboard in hand.
One by one, he calls out a student’s name along with the unicorn. This must be where Shayde’s role comes into play.
“Teagan Osborn, you’re paired with Diablo,” the professor announces.
Dafni laughs with a snort. “Good luck on that one. You’ll need it.”
I glance her way and find her smiling, enjoying whatever it is about this Diablo.
“Diablo,” I repeat. “Isn’t that Spanish for Devil?”
“Yeah,” Evie answers. “And you will not like what you see.” She points past me.
I follow the location she’s positioned on and gasp.
“That’s Diablo?” It’s the unicorn with crimson eyes and an antler with small sharp spikes and knobs. I’ve always had a soft spot for magical creatures, but I’ve never felt terror like this in my life; the kind you feel when staring into the eyes of a death wish, and it dares you to take a step closer.
Diablo is jet-black and when the sun catches his body just right, he has a blue hue to him. He snorts and the damn thing has a wicked glint in its eye.
He doesn’t waste time with his greeting and attempts to impale me with his horn as soon as I get close enough. I dodge the attack and he neighs again, then stomps the ground.
“If you’ll give me a chance, you’ll see I’m nice and want the best for you, okay?” Not that he’ll understand me or anything, but it’s worth a fucking shot.
Diablo tries again with his horn and I feel the sharp point of it brush past my shoulder. “Ow, now stop that,” I chastise him.
He has zero fucks to give and to show me as much, he rears up and suddenly his hoofs are coming down to greet my face.
I scream and cover my head, then stumble back, barely managing to avoid being trampled. Whirling around to face this… death wish of a beast, I want to try again. He will not get the best of me and I will not die today!
“May I offer my assistance?”
In my peripheral vision, I see Shayde, the dark elf who has been helping in the class.
“Please,” I respond. “What can I do to help him understand I’m not his enemy?”
Shayde steps toward the beast and holds out one hand. The unicorn sniffs it, then leaves him be. Shayde begins to pet his neck. “Patience and time,” he answers.
I blink and my mouth drops open. Closing it, I ask, “Are you known for some kind of affinity with dark creatures?”
He chuckles. “No. I have a calming effect on even the most dangerous beasts. I’m able to tame them if for a mere few minutes to allow me to get close.”