Page 19 of Monster’s Magic
I laugh, then cough to cover it up.
Dafni scrambles to her feet and about faces to stare down the Naga. She raises her hand as if to slap him and all he does is raise a brow, as if daring her to do so.
And all I can do is grin as the drama unfolds.
She lowers her hand and turns to face me. Before I know what she’s doing, she’s snatched my vanilla shake out of my hand, takes a long sip from it, and I brace myself for what she’s going to do. I’m not an idiot. She’ll try to throw the shit on me.
Dafni clears her throat and coughs up phlegm and spits it in my drink. She hands it back and says, “Yummy.”
“By all means, take your Hepatitis with you.” I shove the drink back into her hands.
She narrows her eyes and pulls her hand back with the shake clutched. As she’s about to throw it, Shayde brings darkness around himself and Dafni. It’s as if she’s surrounded in a black smoke bubble of sorts. The drink splashes against the dark matter but goes no further.
He grabs her by the hair and yanks her backward, then in a flash, they’re both gone.
I blink and stare at the spot where they both stood. “What happened? Where did they go?”
“Let’s just say he took the trash out,” Cazimir answers. He nods to me, then to Evie.
She giggles and waves to him, and he returns her smile. He turns around and slithers away.
“Well, someone owes me a vanilla shake,” I say out loud and sit back down. At least I still have my burger. Picking it up, I finish eating it. “I just wish I knew why she hates me.”
“That was awesome,” someone calls out.
“Yeah, totally cool to see the monster’s step in like that,” says another.
I lean over to Evie. “I’m guessing Shayde and Cazimir stepping in doesn’t happen to often?”
She shrugs. “I’m as lost as you are, but we just struck the popularity jackpot.” Evie is completely eating this shit right up.
As for me, I would rather sit in the library or a dark corner along with my books in silence. The shadows have always brought me comfort over chaos.
I sigh and pick up my tray. “Enjoy the attention,” I whisper to her. “Meet you back at the room.”
Across the mess hall, I catch Shayde stepping back into the room and our eyes meet briefly. He nods once and I return it and mouth, “Thank you.” Maybe I’ll ask him what he knows about Dafni, if he knows anything at all.
I stepout of the bustling lunch cafeteria, my heart still pounding from the unexpected attack by Dafni. As I make my way through the corridors of the academy, I can’t shake the nagging feeling that jealousy fuels Dafni’s aggression.
But what could Dafni possibly be envious of?
I ask myself this question as I retreat down the flight of stairs to the solitude of the academy library.
The library is my safe place and is a vast expanse of knowledge, its shelves lined with countless books and manuscripts. I find solace here, surrounded by the accumulated wisdom of generations past. As I traverse the dimly lit aisles, I seek refuge in the shadows, contemplating the events of the few days.
From charging toward me on the unicorn, to the scene in the cafeteria, let alone the jabs she’d made toward me in physical ed, the chick has serious issues… for who the fuck knows.
Lost in my own thoughts, my gaze wanders aimlessly, looking at everything and nothing at the same time. I feel as if I’ve read all these already, whereas I’ve only held a handful in my grasp. I need something new, something to capture my attention, to take my mind off things.
Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see it; a book that seems to beckon me. It stands out among the others; the spine is brilliant against the others that are dark and dusty. Its intricate design and dazzling cover drawing my attention. Intrigued, I reached out and grasp it, feeling a faint tingle course through my fingertips as I do so.
With the book in my hands, I find seclusion in the corner of the library, away from prying eyes. Opening it, I notice the pages are filled with ancient symbols, spells, and incantations. The text is written in a language I’ve not studied before, but as a skilled necromancer, I can sense the power emanating from the pages. It almost hums to the touch.
As I delve deeper into the book, my eyes widen with each turn of the page. I have stumbled upon a treasure trove of information about the necromantic community, its history, and its secrets.
Then, something I never would have expected occurs. I blink and rub the ink, thinking this surely must be some prank or joke, because the text on this page, it’s a chapter dedicated to my own origins.