Page 26 of Monster’s Magic
Maybe it’s an invite to rush to a secret society or something?
Bending down, I scoop up the envelope. I don’t recognize the symbol on the back. It’s symbols of runes. I know some from my studies here, and from what I’ve learned from Shayde, but I don’t recognize this one.
Flipping it over, curious if there’s a name on it, my heart races as I clutch the letter in my trembling hands. The inked words on the paper send chills down my spine, and I can’t help the feeling of fear tightening in my stomach.
“Leave the academy now for your own safety,” it warns. “Else face the consequences of your actions.”
Feeling curious, yet also dismay, I carefully unfold it, expecting to find more words of intimidation. Maybe something to jump out, like a charmed paper bat. However, to my surprise, there are no additional notes on the page. Instead, a faint, ethereal glow begins to emanate from the paper. I drop it and take a few steps back as the gradual form of a young girl takes place.
The spirit, transparent and opaque in color, materializes before my eyes. Her appearance mirrors that of a girl roughly twelve years old, with long black hair, fair skin, and haunting black eyes. My initial fear subsids as the spirit’s voice, soft and gentle, carries through the air.
“Leave the academy now for your own safety,” she repeats. “Else face the consequences of your actions.”
But as the spirit starts to fade, its tone changes. It grows more intense, and a hint of menace creeps into its words. I snatch the paper from the floor and wad it up, rolling my eyes at what I believed to be a mere prank played by someone else.
Probably Dafni.
However, the spirit reacts with a growl, darts toward me once again, and repeats its ominous message.
“Take this seriously, else face the consequences of your actions, Teagan. Or you’ll end up just like mommy.”
My eyes widen, and my breath catches in my throat. The spirit’s voice echoes through the room, chilling me to the bone.
Before I could think how to react, I scream in rage, not in fear, and lunge forward. I don’t know what I thought I could do, but just as I reach out to touch the ghostly figure, it disappears into thin air, leaving me to fall to the floor with a thud. My heart races, my mind reeling from the encounter.
As I lie there, my rage boiling, I cry out, “It’s one thing to fuck with me, but never, ever, use my mother’s name!”
The door swings open, and my best friend and roommate, Evie, enters the room. The door almost hits me and I roll out of the way to my side and sit up. Her eyes widen with shock. “Umm, what’s going on,” she asks, her voice laced with concern.
I struggle to slow my breathing, my voice still on edge with my nerves as I recount the events that had just unfolded. “Evie, I found this letter under my door.” I hand over the wrinkled paper to her. “And then this ghostly girl appeared. She threatened me, Evie. She wasn’t scary or anything, but she pissed me the fuck off. She told me to leave or,” and I air quote, “I’ll end up like mommy.’”
Evie’s brows rise with worry as she steps closer to me. “Teagan, this isn’t something we can ignore. We need to take this seriously. We should inform the Headmistress and Dean and seek their guidance.”
I hesitate before answering. “What if they’re a part of this, Evie? What if they’re in this shit with whoever is targeting me? Because I’m accepting the truth of it all. The car crash was no accident a year ago. Their deaths were no mishap. And now this? Tell me I’m wrong.”
Evie doesn’t answer. Instead, she looks down at her feet.
“Say something.”
Evie meets my gaze. “We met when you started here. Do you think I would have a part in this?”
I stare at my best friend. The one who got me through night terrors after suffering through the loss of my parents. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
A tear slips down her cheek, then she meets my gaze. “I’m an idiot for even considering such a shit move. I’m sorry,” she whispers, then flings her arms around my neck. I squeeze her in return. “I’m here to do whatever you need.” She lets me go and takes a step back. “If that includes a shovel, all I need to know is who’s driving.”
I let out a soft laugh. “There’s my best friend.”
There’s something more sinister at play, something that threatens not only me but also my very existence within the academy. I can’t let my guard down.
Together, we make our way out of the room, determination filling my every step to confront the dark forces that have began to encroach upon my life. I need to train more in my craft. I need offensive and defensive physical training. I think I need to let off some steam riding Diablo, my dark unicorn.
One thing at a time.
“Teagan…” Evie pulls us to a stop. She tugs me over to one of the walls and runs her hands over the rough exterior.
“What are you doing,” I ask.
“Just wait.” She continues with touching with her hand disappears. “Found it!”