Page 35 of Monster’s Magic
He lifts from my body, sits back on his heels, and tugs my panties down my legs before tossing them behind him. He presses a hand next to my head to balance himself and with the other, he grasps his thorned cock and the tip of it grazes my pussy.
I want him inside me more than anything in my life. He presses against my entrance and pushes in slowly. The barbs of his dick graze the inside of my flesh in the most arousing, lascivious, and salacious of ways. I moan with relief and utter bliss because he fills me so perfectly, as if he were made for me, and me only.
I arch my back and a groan echoes throughout his room. It’s mine, though I hardly recognize the feral sound. He palms my neck, giving it a squeeze, and presses his forehead to mine once more.
“Mine,” he reminds me. “So fucking mine.”
“Yours!” I’ve never wanted or begged for something so much in my life. I’m being greedy in my needs and give zero fucks about it. “Please, fuck me,” I plea.
He chuckles a dark, lust-filled laugh and he thrusts again, deep, his momentum building with each drive into my body.
He sits back on his heels and pulls my body toward his hips. He presses my legs toward my chest and holds me in a firm grip as he drives his cock home, penetrating me deeper, harder, owning me. No man will ever dominate me the way Shayde has tonight.
The sounds of sex grow louder the wetter I become and the intensity of our bodies builds upon a cataclysm that will be heard throughout the walls of the university.
Our eyes meet and I’m lost in his gaze. I never want this night to end. Even through this delirium, the sex-filled haze, I recognize that, eventually, it must.
At some point, I’ll need to return to my own quarters, but everything inside me longs to remain right where I am in this moment.
I let my worries vanish the moment he pushes into me, his cock bringing about an orgasm; the first of many I’ll have tonight.
I surrender myself to the moment, to the sensations rippling through me as I cry out and tremble below him. I’m already addicted to this man; against me, inside me, all around me. He’s going to devastate me. He’s going to make sure I’m sore in the morning. He’s going to make tonight one I’ll never forget.
Evie’s voice rings in my ears and I groan, rolling to my side. “Five more minutes,” I grumble and cover my head with one of my pillows.
“No, you need to get up,” she insists, and I feel the bed press down next to my waist. She pulls at my pillow. “There’s a letter for you and it looks important. I found it under the door this morning.”
I groan, but don’t budge. “Who’s it from?”
“No idea, but the same seal is on it from before. I can open it if you want…” Evie trails off and I lift the pillow just enough to peek at her. She side-glances at me and grins. “Morning, sunshine. How late did you stay out?”
Awareness shoots through me and butterflies blossom through my stomach as thoughts of Shayde invade my mind. “Late enough,” I quip.
I turn over to stretch and immediately regret it.
Fucking hell, I’m sore.
I toss the pillow across my bed and it falls to the floor. Evie picks it up and sets it down atop my legs. I yawn and attempt another stretch, guarding the soreness between my legs.
“All right, let me have it.” I reach for the letter and sit up to run my thumb over the wax emblem. I still don’t know what this rune is. Maybe this is something I can review with Professor Scottsdale, our Ancient Runes/Runeology professor.
Then again, maybe not, depending on the circumstance of it.
Breaking the seal, I hesitate to open it. I don’t want another experience of another ghost coming out of the parchment threatening me. With a deep breath, I open it and expel air of relief when only sentences appear before me.
Dear Miss Osborn,
You have been invited to meet the Necromantic Council of Leaders. The date is listed below. Your attendance is mandatory.
Blessed Be,
Davanna Frangidi, Leader of the Council of Leaders
I slowly lower the paper and stare across the room. A nervous trepidation erupts in my chest.