Page 39 of Monster’s Magic
I whirl around to see who’s there and find a man standing in all white. He says nothing more, but the way he holds my attention and how he presents himself, it makes me wonder, did he say anything at all, or did I imagine the entire thing?
No one makes a move to argue with him. It’s as if only I heard him. When I glance at Shayde, I find him staring at the man as well. Okay, maybe he heard him, too.
Then, the man’s eyes shift to mine and he winks. I take an involuntary step back. In a blink, everything is bright white and I wince. Cool air surrounds me as if wind is blowing, and not a second passes by when I’m thrust back outside where we started. The breeze I felt, for the moment, also ceases.
The man in white grasps my arms. I think I should pull away from him, but something inside me tells me to stay put, that he’s safe. No idea why, but I’m trusting my instincts.
“How did we...” I start and think I might feel sick.
“I moved us faster than light,” he answers. “The dizzy feeling will wear off soon, I promise.”
I nod and realize, this close, he’s maybe thirty-five or forty years old. I’m not sure, but he’s nice on the eyes.
He brushes non-existent dust from his sleeves. “There are supporters of your family still in play. Not everyone is against you. You still have followers, Teagan. Don’t lose faith or hope. We need you in power or all will be lost.”
I blink at his words. “I don’t understand?” I need to know more details, but I’m concerned the elder and leaders will be on my tail any minute.
“Because your blood line is eternal. Your parents were meant to rule before their demise. You’re the next to reign, Teagan. The bloodline falls to you. They know this and want to prevent you from ascending.”
“Ascending,” I repeat, unsure what he means by that.
Shayde appears next to me from the shadows and Evie comes running through the doors.
“What,” I ask and shake my head. “This is… No, this can’t be right.”
My head is spinningand everything feels completely out of control.
Is this what vertigo feels like?
Mom used to sometimes complain about vertigo.
I close my eyes and bend down to sit on my heels. Covering my ears to block out all sounds, or at least muffle them for a moment. I need to think.
Because your bloodline is eternal.
Your parents were meant to rule.
You’re the next to reign.
Black platform boots that belong to my best friend stand before me. Evie bends down to meet my gaze. “Teagan?” She reaches for my wrists and I let her pull my hands from my ears. The sounds of the afternoon, the wildlife, the cars on the roads around us, and the silence of those surrounding me, fills the air. “I’m not sure where you went, but you gave me a scare.”
“Sorry about that,” the man in white states.
“What is your name,” I ask him.
“Declan Powell,” he answers. I catch him glancing at Shayde and Evie.
“These are my most trusted friends,” I reassure him. “Anything you tell me can be said in front of them.” The moment the words leave my mouth, I feel its truth. Evie’s been through so much with me, and Shayde…
Where’s he been all my life?
I let out a soft sigh of contentment and shift gears back to Declan.
“Good, because you need all the allies you can get on your side, Teagan.” He rests his hands upon my shoulders. “Never turn your back on anyone, never let anyone know your secrets, your plans, anything. The moment anything slips, that’s it. It’s over.”