Page 42 of Monster’s Magic
“Oh, fuck that,” she states. “We’ll find a way to remove this heinous act he’s placed on you.”
I nod because there’s nothing else that needs to be said.
I’m ruined, with no family, no prospects, and I barely have an army to fight against a group who’s hell bent on taking me down for no other reason than power.
It’s time to take a fucking stand. It’s time to make some noise and bring down this threat and take back what is rightfully mine.
A few weekshave passed since shit hit the fan with Dafni and Shayde. I find it’s easier to keep myself occupied with music, dancing around like an idiot, and working with my undead army to pass the time. Sometimes, I think the soldiers try to befriend me, but then I’m met with grunts and growls when they communicate. The other side of the army is the souls and spirits that I conjure.
Tonight, I think I’ll do something a little different. Fuck being normal. I’ve never been normal; nothing has ever been anything close to it as far as I can remember. I come from a family of necromancers.
What’s traditional about that?
I mean, unless you’re in a community of magic…
Grabbing my cell phone and a Bluetooth speaker, I leave my room in a hoodie and jeans, and head down to the passage that leads me outside to academy grounds.
The earth crunches under my feet and the waves of the ocean crash upon the shoreline. The air is salty and I love the smell and feel of it. The wind is just enough to keep it cool, but not too much to feel cold.
Approaching one of the traveling mirrors, I focus on my destination, my own personal training grounds, and step through. Coming out on the other side, the foundation is quiet… eerily so. The last time I was here, it was with Shayde.
My heart aches at the thought of him.
Stupid fucking heart.
Get over yourself.
Tonight, I need hard metal music. Finding my playlist, I connect to my speaker, turn it up, and place it on the ground by the tree next to me. The tunes scream through the air, burning the air with their notes of symphony of war, destruction, misery, and death. It’s perfect for what I need tonight.
The singer growls his song and the guitar slashes as I close my eyes and focus on my chaos.
Fisting my hands by my sides a few times, I feel the energy inside me like awaken like turning on a light in a dim room. It hums throughout my body, like electricity crackling through a wire, needing to find its intended target.
Opening my eyes, I turn my palms up and speak, “Arise.” As I lift my hands into the air, my undead army rises with me. The skeletons of men who once were stumble a few times before finding their footing.
Moans and groans fill the air and with the music playing, I’m sure to anyone who would be walking by, we would be a living nightmare. Entertained by my own thoughts, I grin and wonder if my soldiers can dance.
While puppeteering them, I start moving my body in a sequence of motions, I lift my arms above my head, and my undead men follow suit.
My laughter fills the air and it feels great. I need to hold onto this moment because once I’m back at the academy, everything else returns with it. In the here and now, I control my fate and what happens.
At least until someone discovers my hiding spot, and right now, only two people know about it. Evie and he whose name I will not speak, even in thoughts.
I feel freedom in my song, release from everything that’s occurred over the last… good lord, the last year. A part of me wishes I could go and take it all back to start anew, warn my parents about the accident and go on living as if none of it ever happened. However, the other side of me knows death would have found them another way. Death always has a way of claiming its prize.
Some call it balance. I call it bullshit.
Silence interrupts the air and I whip around to where my phone and speaker should be sitting. Right next to them is Shayde.
I groan, out loud, and tilt my head back. “What the fuck do you want?”
He’s quiet for a moment and I right myself. Releasing the magic, my undead army fall back to the earth as if they had never risen.
Shayde steps closer and I hold up my hands. “No.”
He drops his hands to his sides. “We need to talk about all of this.”