Page 8 of His Christmas Wife
“Master Evan and Kaylee, you’ll bring up the rear, behind Milady’s sleigh. On the back, you’ll find a box filled with candy canes, along with a bag for you to carry over your shoulder, Sir.”
House lights slowly came up, and the pounding Christmas music thudded through the space once more, forcing Trinity to shout to be heard. “We’ll make three rounds. Then there will be a receiving line. Hannah, you’re welcome to be seated at any point.”
“Thank you. So far, I’m doing fine.”
Her husband—and Dominant—had her arm tucked securely inside his elbow. “I’ll take good care of her.”
Kaylee adored seeing the love he displayed for his wife. No man had ever looked at her that way.
Suddenly she had a pang of longing for something she had never experienced. How was that possible?
The moment Mistress Aviana appeared, Trinity made her way to the front of the line. With a contagious smile and massive wave, she danced her way into the dungeon.
Perhaps thirty seconds later, arms folded across his Viking-size chest, facial features set in a decidedly nonfictive frown, Tore followed.
As assistants helped Aviana onto a bench on the sleigh, then covered her with a shimmering blanket, the rest of the court disappeared from view.
Then Aviana flicked a small whip across both of her slaves’ shoulders, and the sleigh moved forward.
How this pageantry had been executed in under ninety seconds, Kaylee had no idea.
Evan grabbed the white sack—much smaller than the one with all the gifts in it—and Kaylee picked up a handful of treats to give away.
The noise and enthusiasm inside the dungeon stunned and thrilled her. The energy rivaled any Mardi Gras parade she’d been to.
As he walked, Frost received a few catcalls and whistles of approval. And he continually called out a cheery, “Ho, ho, ho.”
Not for the first time, she wondered who this man was.
Even though she had to trail behind him, she decided not to let him ruin her evening. Though she was his assistant for the night, she absolutely, positively did not have to stare at his tight butt or look at his muscular body.
With determination, she focused on the crowd, waving and wishing revelers a merry Christmas.
When she spotted Maddie, Kaylee made a point to walk closer to her to give her a candy cane.
Because beads were being tossed and the attendees crowded the walkways, the three circuits took much longer than she expected.
When they arrived at the back of the room, the screens from earlier had been removed. After court members were seated, spotlights were trained on Mistress Aviana as her elves helped her from her perch, then up onto her throne.
After the sleigh was placed near the tree in Santa’s area, the slaves were detached from their harnesses, and they made their way to their mistress’s side where they knelt, flanking her.
Once Frost was ensconced in his high-back chair with Kaylee standing nearby, the trumpeter heralded another announcement.
“Welcome to the Quarter’s Holiday Extravaganza! On Milady’s command, the tree will be lit, and Santa will start reaching into his bag with presents for the naughtiest of attendees.” He paused for dramatic effect. “You know who you are.”
More raucous cheers rocked the air.
“Our Ladyinviteseveryone to parade past the reviewing stand.”
The emphasis on the word meant it was a royal decree and not a suggestion.
Aviana’s slaves offered their assistance as she stood. “Join me in counting down from ten.” Her melodic voice boomed through the club. “Ten! Nine!”
The lower the numbers dropped, the louder the attendees became.
“One!” At that moment, blinding colors burst from the tree. Then red and green lights hit it, causing the ornaments and tinsel to radiate in dazzling glory.
Again, the music cranked up, and Mistress Aviana smiled beatifically as she lowered herself back onto her throne.