Page 43 of Theirs to Treasure
“Yes.” In fact, I like his company. He’s easy to be around.
I am attracted to both brothers equally, in totally different ways.
“You doing okay? Nothing hurts too bad?”
“Can I answer that in the morning?” I shoot him a quick grin. “I appreciate the way you take care of me.”
“Comes naturally.”
He’s provided an opening, and I take it. Maybe there’s something about the moment that makes him willing to open up too. “You and Forrest are alike, and yet totally different at the same time.”
“Different experiences, right?” He shrugs easily. “Our mother abandoned us.”
Wincing, I angle myself so I can see him better.
“Not that I remember her.” He shakes his head. “Forrest says I was three. Dad was overseas on business, and she went out for a drink with friends and never came back.”
He has to be kidding. “She left you alone? With no one at all to take care of you?”
“We know she’s alive, but we have no contact with her.”
“I can’t blame you. Who does that to their children? Little kids.”
“And your family?”
Since our time together is almost up, and he’s been open with me, it can’t hurt to reveal a couple of things. “I caught my sister in bed with my groom.”
“And my mother told me to come back and get married anyway.”
“After what you saw?” He sounds incredulous.
“All men cheat.” I wrinkle my nose. “At least according to Mother.” Will I ever get over the sight of Edward pulling his dick out of my sister’s body? “I’m not sure I ever want to speak to them again.”
“Sometimes family is the people you choose.”
“Wise words.” I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “By the way, do you know where Forrest is?”
“Right here.”
At the sound of his rich voice so close to my ear, I jump. How have I not heard his approach?
“I’m ready to take you back to bed where you belong.”
With the way his dick strains against the front of his pants, I’m don’t think sleep is on his mind. “From what I’ve heard, men don’t generally have this much stamina.”
“Is that a challenge?” His eyes darken.
I didn’t mean it as one. But if he took it that way, fine by me. “Maybe it is.”
“Huh.” He studies me with deadly intent in his eyes, making me shiver. “I do believe I’ll take it as one.”
In a single move, I’m off the floor and over his shoulder, breath forced out of my lungs. Frantically I grab at his shirt for some stability as he strides back inside.
I try to lift my head, seeking help from Zev.
He laughs. “Poke the beast,” he says. “Suffer the consequences.”