Page 53 of Theirs to Treasure
I’m pregnant.
The walls close in on me, and I slide down onto the floor, my back against the bathtub.
This can’t possibly be real.
In that moment, time grinds to a shaky standstill as the millions of implications zing through me.
An hour ago, I’d been happy, cautiously excited.
And now uncertainty has rocked my world.
“Harper?” Zev says softly, tapping the door.
Overcome with emotion, I can’t answer.
“Can I come in?”
Moments later, he’s there, beside me, holding me tight. “We won’t let you go through this alone.”
Heaven save me. This is happening to them as well. And now we’ll be tied together for the rest of our lives, something none of us wanted.
“It’s okay. We’ve got you. We’ll be with you every step of the way.” Gently he kisses the top of my head.“Everystep of the way, Harper.”
Despite myself, I lean into him as a sob catches in my throat.
Shaking, I allow myself to be comforted, and after a crying jag, I look up to see Forrest filling the doorway.
“We’ll get married within the week.”
The earth tilts.
As if this news hasn’t been enough to deal with? “No.” Frantically I shake my head.
“You’ll need insurance. Our baby needs a father?—”
“Two,” Zev interrupts.
With a tight nod, Forrest acknowledges Zev’s statement, but he’s not distracted for long. “There are practical considerations.”
I’d almost gotten married a month before because ofpractical considerations. No way in hell am I falling for that a second time. “Thanks. But no.”
His bearing thunderous, he takes a step into the room.
He flicks a glance at the pregnancy test.
Instinct stronger than bravado, I back up, and Zev pulls me a little tighter.
I’d be foolish to succumb to his seduction though. He’s every bit as determined as his brother, but because he’s more nurturing, he’s far, far more likely to get his way, which makes him more dangerous to my emotions than Forrest is.
“I don’t think you understand.” He crouches in front of me, filling my vision, stamping my senses. “It wasn’t a request. We’re getting married within a week.”
Finding a shallow well of courage, I shake my head. “In this century, men can’t force women to marry them.”
“You don’t think so?” he asks softly, his smile daring me to defy him. “Try me.”