Page 67 of Theirs to Treasure
“You’re missing the point. I’m tired of you making decisions for me, for thinking you know what’s best for me.”
“For God’s sake, Harper. I’m trying to behelpful.”
I take a breath. “It’s insulting.”
Drenched in sweat, Zev enters through the oversize sliding glass doors. “Morning.”
Staring at each other, neither Forrest nor I respond.
“Oh—kay.” He grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and uncaps it. “Trouble in paradise?”
I know he’s attempting to defuse the situation, but he’s not helping.
“What’s going on?” he asks a few seconds later.
“Forrest canceled the lease on my apartment.”
“And Harper has taken exception to my practical move.”
Furious, I ball my hands into fists at my sides.
“Let’s sit down and discuss this,” Zev suggests.
“There’s nothing to discuss.” I bring my chin up, looking at Forrest, refusing to be intimated by the hot fury in his blue eyes. “I’m done with you making decisions for me.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“Just what I said.” Brushing past him, I start up the stairs.
“Where are you going?”
“To get dressed.”
“Good. We need to leave in an hour.”
Stopping, my hand curved around the banister, I look back at him. “You haven’t heard a single word I said.”
Without waiting for a response, I go into my closet and grab the clothes I want. Then I enter the ensuite bathroom and lock the door. That’s not something I normally do since neither of my husbands are overly concerned by the idea of privacy.
After dressing, I apply my makeup. Then, in the bedroom, I grab my purse and keys.
Determinedly I make my way back to the first floor.
My hand is on the doorknob when the sound of Forrest’s voice hits me like the crack of a whiplash.
“Where are you going?”
Instead of freezing like I normally do, I continue on while responding, “To make a few decisions of my own.”
“We have an appointment with the designer, Harper.”
“Feel free to keep it.” I open the door. Then I walk outside to climb behind the wheel of my car.
Because I’d done this once before in Vegas, the feeling is familiar. But I hate it more this time than I had back then.
Still, if I’d have been smarter and refused to marry them, this wouldn’t be happening now.
By giving in and allowing Forrest to rule my life, he’d made more and more decisions that impacted me.