Page 79 of Theirs to Treasure
Once more, my hands shake as I slide my finger beneath the seal to look inside.
For a moment, I stare, unable to comprehend what I’m seeing, so I dump out the contents.
There are hundreds of pieces of crinkled, cross-cut paper inside, but I can see enough red marker on them to guess what they are.
A shredded copy of Forrest’s outrageous custody proposal.
Blinking, trying to sort out what’s going on, I shake the envelope again, and a handwritten note bearing Forrest’s initials falls out.
Since he has nothing to say that I want to hear, I throw it away, eat my lunch, then go back to work.
Later that evening, as I’m watching TV, curiosity gets the best of me, and I fish the note back out of the garbage.
I’m an asshole.
My mouth drops open.Finallysomething we can agree on.
You deserve to be treated with respect.
Not with manipulations and threats.
You’re going to be an amazing mom, and I’m going to trust that you will make the right choices for our child. Zev and I want to be an active part of his or her life, and I want to support you in whatever ways you want.
Shaking, I make it to the living room couch before my knees give out.
We know you will be fair.
Unlike he tried to be.
Since there is no signature, I flip the card over. There’s more writing on the back.
If I’m lucky and you’re still reading, I only have two more things I need to say.
I’m sorry.
And then there are three more words.
I love you.
Closing my eyes, I press the card to my chest.
When I’m able to concentrate again, I continue.
We’d love to have you back. You may have some idea how much it has cost me to be patient, but you, my precious Harper, are worth any cost.
The note flutters from my fingers, and I wrap my arms around myself.
He’s uncovered my deepest, most secret dream, one I hadn’t known I was harboring.
Not knowing what to do, I pace my apartment before giving up and going for a walk.
I’m on edge, wondering what his next move will be.
A week later, when I have heard from neither of them, I realize he’s not going to make any more moves.
He’s honoring and respecting my boundaries, proving he’s a changed man.