Page 81 of Theirs to Treasure
“Well…” I repeat my inner thoughts aloud. “It’s a good place to begin since it’s something we are in agreement on.”
“I deserve that.”
“And more,” I counter.
He hasn’t betrayed even a flicker of annoyance.
“I get it now.”
I tip my head to one side. “Get what?”
“I can’t excuse my behavior. The truth is, even from the beginning there was something about you that makes me want to take care of you, and your refusal makes me a little crazy.”
If we have any hope of being together, he will have to get over that.
“Without you, my life is empty. I tried some pretty fucked-up tactics to get you back.”
“You did.” I appreciate him admitting that. “You almost crossed the line into the unforgivable.”
Not missing anything, he lasers in on my tiny lapse.“Almost?”
When I say nothing, he admits, “You are my obsession. I’ve never felt this depth of emotion for another person.” He scrubs a hand down his stubbly chin. “I’ve always equated love with the honor of being there for people, solving their problems, taking care of them.”
And I understand that. His parents had never nurtured him or cared for him.
“My life is empty without you..” He falls silent, as if lost in memories, before he shakes his head and looks at me. “It took you walking away to make me confront my emotions.” He forces out a breath. “I’ll be honest; it’s not something I’ve had any experience with, and it’s fucking uncomfortable.”
I ache to go to him, but I force myself to remain in place. The moment is too important for me to mess it up.
“Until you, I hadn’t believed love existed.”
“And now?”
“I understand what it is to put someone else’s feelings and emotions above my own.”
I twirl a finger into my hair.
“I’ve realized I’m not always right… My approach can be overbearing.”
Filled with restless energy, I pace, and he watches me intently. When I finally stop and meet his gaze, he speaks again.
“Love is the only thing that makes life worth living.” He comes to his feet. “Everything else…” He waves a hand. “Work, businesses, worldly goods… It’s bullshit. Doesn’t matter at all.”
“If you find me worthy, I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove my love. I can’t promise I won’t fuck up.” He offers a small smile. “I have a lifetime of unlearning to accomplish, but I do promise that I’ll try, for you, our baby, our family.”
He remains where he is, hands clenched, unmoving. Waiting, tension grooved beside his beautiful blue eyes.
Hesitantly I take the first step and then another.
“Will you give me a chance??
Unable to believe this is happening, I nod.
That’s all he needs.