Page 103 of Vengeful Vows
I’ve been working with Celeste for a long time, but I’m not certain I’m prepared for a role such as this. “I’m honored you’d consider me. Thank you. But I’d like to suggest you retain Fallon and Associates. Celeste has vast resources.”
“Her firm costs a damn fortune,” Dario supplies.
“With good reason,” I counter.
“We will consider the option if you are our in-house representative,” Matteo replies. “We will not be passed along to anyone else.”
“Understood. And I appreciate your trust.” I’ve never been sure how Matteo feels about me. By nature, he’s distrustful, and I’m sure the rocky start Nico and I had didn’t help anything. His words mean a lot to me.
Matteo studies me and Nico. “She should come to Vegas with us.”
Nico shakes his head. “It’s too dangerous.”
I place my hand on my husband’s. “If I’m handling communications, it’s probably appropriate.”
His jaw is set in a stubborn line. “We will discuss this.”
“I’ll expect an answer in the morning,” Matteo replies.
Conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Dante who is slightly disheveled, a dark lock of hair falling across his forehead.
With an apology, he leans down to kiss his mother on the cheek, and she straightens his tie.
After dropping into the vacant chair, he picks up a large, two-pronged fork. As he moves a large piece of prime rib onto his plate, I notice his knuckles are bruised and the skin is broken.
I suck in a breath, but no one else comments.
“Where were we?” he asks as he pours himself a glass of chianti.
“Discussing final arrangements for Las Vegas,” Matteo supplies.
He nods.
Along with Dario, Dante will remain in Houston. In case the unspeakable happens in Vegas, nothing can be allowed to interfere with the Moretti business operations.
“And while we are together…” Don Raffael pauses while we all turn to face him.
He looks at his oldest son. “I have found your bride, and I expect you to be married by the end of the year.”
“What the fuck?” He pounds his fist on the table.
“Matteo!” his mother reprimands.
Acknowledging his mother with a quick nod, he addresses his father. “You can’t be serious.”
“It’s time we strengthened our alliances. And it is your duty to do so.”
Shaking his head, Matteo demands, “Am I allowed to know who the hell you’ve picked out for me?”
“Alessia De Luca.”
One of the families being invited to the Las Vegas meeting. It’s likely a strategic move. And of course, Nico would have been privy to the decision and in fact probably had a hand in it.
“Make it happen,” the don says.
Matteo shoves back from the table and strides from the room.
“Another happy family meal,” Dante says with a smile. He forks a bite of nearly rare meat into his mouth.