Page 91 of Vengeful Vows
That night, I’m haunted by visions of my sister and horrifying images from the wreck.
Shaken, I wake up and realize I can no longer see a clear image of Lucia’s face.
Not bothering to pull on any clothes, I stride to my office and snatch up a framed photograph of her that’s on my credenza.
In it, she’s behind the steering wheel of my father’s sports car, laughing, hair blowing in the breeze. Not a single care in the world.
She’s frozen there.
Forever sixteen.
I put the picture back in its spot, next to one of my parents.
The death of Lucia broke my father’s heart.
Though he loved me, it was Lucia—with her infectious laugh and outgoing enthusiasm—who was his favorite. His little princess could do no wrong.
And that was the thing about her. She charmed everyone. Mom doted on her. And she had me wrapped around her little finger.
It was my job, as her big brother, to look out for her.
I should have been there that night, and I would have been if I hadn’t worked late. By the time I arrived, she’d already left with Alessandro.
The guilt has never left me.
After striding back to the bedroom, I pull on a pair of shorts and tennis shoes before heading to the building’s fitness center.
I put in miles on the treadmill until sweat pours off my body.
But no matter how fast I run, I can’t escape the demons in my past…or Isabella’s haunting words.
Deep down, I know she’s right.
I got the revenge I wanted, and I am hollower than ever.
Nothing will ever fill the void left by the death of my little sister and my parents.
Bella had asked if my behavior was what Lucia would have wanted.
I miss a step, and I tighten my grip on the bars.
Lucia was as daring as she was precarious, always taking risks, even over my parents’ objections. Repeatedly she lied about her age to get piercings, tattoos, even alcohol. She totaled two of the vehicles she was given.
No one held her accountable. How could we? Her smile would melt the sternest expression. She danced her way out of more trouble than anyone I’ve ever known.
She used the same strategy to grow the menagerie she acquired. If she found a lost animal, she’d adopt it. And we ended up with three kittens that had been abandoned. Her heart was as wide as it was deep.
No doubt that’s the version Lucia would want me to remember—her shining at her very best. The last thing she’d want would be to let her life be defined by the moment that ended it all.
Bella is right about that.
But who would I be without that consuming drive to right the world’s wrongs?
It’s defined my life.
Until now.
One thing is certain, Lucia would not want me hurting an innocent on her behalf. In fact, she would hate it.