Page 105 of Double Take
“Great.” James sighed. “Was it Nick again?”
“No, different bike.”
“Huh. Then let’s have a couple of officers watch the Clarks’ house for a while and make sure he doesn’t try anything.”
“I’ll call,” Cole said.
James glanced at his phone. “Kenzie’s free now and said she’d meet us back at Jesslyn’s house and hang out with Lainie while we visit this Julie Darwin person.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll follow you there.”
James nodded, grateful to have a partner he could communicate with by just meeting his gaze. “Thanks.” He climbed behind the wheel and soon they were headed toward Jesslyn’s home.
While Lainie had given James and Cole every last detail she could think of regarding Julie Darwin, she could only pray it was enough. No doubt, the woman would hate Lainie even more for putting her in the role of suspect, but it couldn’t be helped.
Now, sitting back in Jesslyn’s den trying to focus on the latest LynnH. Blackburn book, she kept thinking she should be doing something. The book was fabulous and deserved her full attention, and right now that just wasn’t happening. She set the story aside and stood to look out the window. When Nick had been spotted by Buzz, he’d been standing across the street, leaning against a tree. Buzz had caught his eye and Nick had run. Which had been stupid, because that had fueled Buzz’s protective instincts.
The whole incident had been fast and scary, and Lainie hadn’t had a chance to really think about—or process—everything.
“Hey, you okay?” Kenzie asked. She set aside her own book and leaned forward, her gaze intent. Purposeful.
“I’m struggling, to be honest.”
“I didn’t realize how bad things were for you, Lainie. I’m sorry.”
Lainie turned and crossed her arms. “It’s not your fault. You’ve had a lot going on with the whole SWAT thing, and you never metAdam, so...” She shrugged and walked to the sofa to sit. “How’s that going anyway?”
Kenzie snorted. “It’s going. I keep telling myself it’s only been a few months, that it’ll get better and being the only woman on this team will be fine. Key words, ‘will be.’” She shrugged. “I have to prove myself—probably over and over—and I will.”
“You’re amazing. They’ll come around.”
Her friend laughed. “I don’t know about amazing, but determined? Yes. So that probably counts for something.”
“Definitely.” She hesitated. “Do you mind telling me what’s going on with you and Cole?”
Kenzie stiffened and her dark eyes darkened even more. “I’m not going to insult you and pretend I don’t know what you mean, but the truth is, I’m not exactly sure myself. I think he feels like I’ve invaded his space—his bro team.”
“Did you know Cole before SWAT?”
She nodded. “My grandmother lived next door to Cole’s parents.”
“My three brothers and I used to spend summers here with her. Cole and my youngest brother hung out quite a bit.”
“And then you and I meet at the hospital. It’s a small world, isn’t it?”
Lainie rubbed a hand down her face. “I can’t stand this.”
“Exactly.” Her phone rang. “It’s James.” She tapped the screen. “Hello?”
“We just finished talking to Julie Darwin, and I think we can safely rule her out. She and her husband are in the process of adopting twins who are now nine months old and she seems to be very happy. She said once she recovered from the trauma of the surgery, she realized what happened wasn’t your fault. You had no way of knowing that her other tube was damaged. She said to tell you she’s sorry for blowing up at you. We’re getting closer, Lainie. See you in a few.”