Page 79 of Double Take
“Well, they probably ended with Adam’s death,” James said, “but it would be helpful to know when they started. So, while we wait to get a decision on the exhumation—I’m assuming the family wouldsay no if we asked—we can ask for the bank records, see if we can figure out where the money came from and where it went, and—”
“Hold up,” Cole said. “I just realized this one was a check written off the account. They usually attach a picture of the check, right?” He flipped to the last page of the statement and sighed. “Well, that would have been too easy, but if we can find out who the check was made out to, that might help answer quite a few questions.” He ran a finger down the list of transactions. “There are a couple of drafts on here I’d like to know what they’re for. I can’t tell what a couple of the abbreviations stand for.”
“Google it,” Lainie said.
Cole shot her a quick nod, then pulled out his phone. After a few seconds, he raised a brow. “Looks like it’s a company that sells insurance.”
“Does it say what kind?”
“All kinds. Car, home, life, accident, et cetera.”
“Any more monthly drafts?”
“Um ... just one to some charity.” He clicked his tongue. “My biggest interest are these two-thousand-dollar deposits and withdrawals. I really want to know about those.”
“So, our next step is to visit the bank,” Lainie said.
James nodded. “After we get a warrant, I think that’s a reasonable next step.”
“Actually,” Cole said, “our next step is to clean up and make ourselves presentable so we don’t get kicked out of where we wind up next.”
James nodded. “Good point. Lainie’s going to need a change of clothes too.”
“I have some clothes in the bag I got from my house. I could always shower and change at the hospital, but I’d rather not have to explain this whole situation. If you can take me by Jesslyn’s house, I can clean up there.”
After they finished eating, Lainie rubbed her forehead. “I need tomake some phone calls. Most specifically to my insurance company. They can get in my house at this point. And I’m going to try Grant again.”
“Just stay where we can see you, if you don’t mind,” James said.
“I don’t mind at all.”
With the phone pressed to her ear, she walked into the small alcove where the bathrooms were, and James looked at Cole. “How fast do you think we can get a warrant?”
“Well, after we draft it, considering all three of us could have died today, I’m thinking the boss might put a rush on it.”
“You want to call him?”
“Sure.” Cole hit the number they both had on speed dial for Commander Judson Hill, and James took another dose of ibuprofen. His back was not happy with the gymnastics he’d tried in the storage unit.
He closed his eyes and tilted his head back against the booth while he listened to Cole explain why they needed the warrant for the records. When he hung up, James opened his eyes, glanced at Lainie still on the phone, then at Cole’s self-satisfied smile. “You got it.”
“Well, he did. Said it would be on our phones within a couple of hours and we could head to the bank when we see it.”
Two hours later, after stops at Cole’s home, then Jesslyn’s for a shower and change of clothes, Lainie was once again in the car with James and replaying the conversation with her insurance company. She frowned. While she appreciated the sympathetic agent and the promise to get someone out to her home for an assessment as soon as possible, she was annoyed she even had to deal with the whole thing.
And she was still getting Grant’s voice mail.
She was so tired of it. All the ways her family expected her to keep the plates spinning, but didn’t bother to show up for her when she needed them. And yet she kept trying, kept hoping, and kept praying. Why did caring for her parents feel like such a chore?
Serve them out of love. The thought speared her, and she froze for a brief second.
She blinked. The Jeep was parked in front of the bank, and James was standing next to her open door, waiting for her to get out. “Oh. Sorry.”