Page 55 of Sleep No More
Their suspicions of what had happened at the sleep clinic were not the only details they had failed to mention to Detective Logan. They had not told him about the memory card they had found in Geddings’s go bag. The two items on the card were currently in the process of being imported to Ambrose’s phone via her adapter.
“We got lucky with the cops because we had a lot of help from Logan,” Ambrose said. “He was very happy to let us skate on the illegal entry charge because he’s going to be the headline on the evening news and the morning edition of theCarnelian Gazette. Today was a serious résumé builder for him. Two drug dealers have died in a live-by-the-sword kind of way, and some stolen medications will be returned to the Carnelian Sleep Institute. He’ll get the credit for closing the case.”
“I suppose that’s why he let us off with just a warning,” Pallas said.
Her phone rang as she was eating the crackers that had come with the soup. She reached for the device.
“That will be Jodi Luckhurst,” Ambrose said around a mouthful of fries.
Pallas gave him a wry smile. “Is that an example of your ability to predict the future?”
“No, it’s an example of me figuring out that Luckhurst has probably heard the news about the explosion at Geddings’s place. She’ll want to know what happened.”
“We owe her an explanation,” Pallas said. “She was the one who warned us about the possibility of a booby trap. She may have saved our lives.”
“This is true.” Ambrose downed the last of his fries.
Pallas took the call and put it on speaker so that Ambrose could listen in.
“Hi, Jodi,” she said. “Mr.Drake and I are both here. We just got back from talking to the police. We were going to contact you.”
“Are you both okay?” Jodi said. Her voice was charged with an anxiety that bordered on panic. “What happened? Everyone is talking about the explosion. They’re saying they found two bodies. At first I was afraid you and Mr.Drake were the victims. Then I heard a couple of drug dealers had died at the scene. What is going on? Did you find out what happened to Emery?”
“Mr.Drake and I are fine,” Pallas said.Somewhat the worse for wear, but fine, she added silently.
“Good,” Jodi said. “I’m glad. I’ve been so worried.” There was a short pause before she lowered her voice. “They’re saying drugs were found in the house.”
“Ms.Llewellyn and I came across several small bottles of what looked like medication,” Ambrose said. “There was also a bundle of cash.”
Jodi sighed. “So Emery was stealing from the clinic. I was afraid of that.”
“The fact that he left the drugs and the money behind indicates he probably didn’t leave town, though,” Ambrose said. “Your theory that he may have been murdered could be correct.”
“I’ll bet those two drug dealers who died in the explosion killed him,” Jodi whispered. Her voice was choked with tears. “They tore his house apart looking for his stash, but they didn’t find it, so they kept an eye on the place. When you two went in they figured you were after the drugs, too.”
“That’s how it looks,” Pallas said.
“Now those two bastards are dead,” Jodi said. “I’m glad. But you and Mr.Drake could have been killed, too, and it would have been my fault.”
“No,” Pallas said. “You saved us because you warned us about the possibility of a booby trap. There was one. That was the cause of the explosion. But the drug dealers hit the trip wire, not us.”
“We owe you,” Ambrose said.
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” Jodi said. “Do you think the cops will want to interview me?”
“Probably,” Ambrose said.
“Shit,” Jodi moaned.
Pallas shot Ambrose ashut up, you heartless monsterlook and tried to calm Jodi’s panic.
“We didn’t mention your name to the police,” Pallas said. “But they usually talk to those who knew the victim, and it’s no secret that you and Emery were dating.”
Jodi sniffed. “No, I guess not.”
Ambrose leaned forward a little to speak into the phone. “Logan, the detective in charge of the case, is convinced Geddings is dead, so I don’t think he’ll push too hard. He’s mainly interested in tying up loose ends.”
“Emery really is dead, isn’t he?” Jodi said, her voice cracking. “He didn’t leave me behind like she said.”