Page 11 of The Night Island
Luke’s eyes got a little sharper, hotter. “Well, now,” he said softly. “You and I have a lot to talk about, Talia March. I suggest we have that conversation someplace other than here.”
Compulsion shivered below the surface of the words, urging her to agree. He was right. They each had information the other needed. The smart thing to do was go somewhere private and discuss—
“Stop it,” she snapped. Outrage unleashed a shot of adrenaline into her already overhyped nervous system. “Of all the cheap tricks. History professor, my ass. You’re a hypnotist, aren’t you? One with a genuine psychic talent. You’re trying to manipulate my energy field or something. Don’t do it again.”
He watched her in silence for a moment. She knew he was trying to figure out how to handle her.
“I’m not a hypnotist,” he said finally. “I told you, I teach history at Adelina Beach College. That’s the truth.”
He had the nerve to sound offended—and maybe a little defensive. He was also irritated.
“Bullshit,” she said. “Our relationship, such as it is, has gotten off to a very rocky start. Don’t compound the problem with mind games. In case you haven’t noticed, we are in the middle of something dangerous here.”
“That’s why I suggested we go somewhere else to talk,” he said, his voice too even now.
“No, you want to go someplace private so that you can try to interrogate me while giving up as little information as possible. I don’t work like that.”
“You are not a very trusting person, are you?” Luke said.
“Nope. And obviously, neither are you. Let’s get something straight. There will be no interrogation. Either we agree to a mutually beneficial exchange of information or this ends here.”
“Fine. Pick a coffeehouse, any coffeehouse. I’ll meet you there.”
She gave that a moment’s thought. “All right. I know a place that opens early and serves freshly baked biscuits as well as coffee. I’ll give you the address. You go on ahead. I’ll meet you there.”
“You’re trying to ditch me.”
“Trust me, as appealing as that sounds, I am not trying to get rid of you. I want to talk to you as badly as you want to talk to me. But first I’m going to take a look around inside Hatch’s house.”
“I thought you were concerned with the legalities,” he said.
“I have reason to believe that Ms.Hatch may be hurt or injured inside that house. It’s my duty as a concerned citizen to take a look.”
“Has anyone told you that you’re a lousy liar?”
“Unlike, say, you?”
“Everyone has a talent,” he said.
“And yours is the ability to lie?” She nodded. “Makes sense. Probably a side effect of your hypnosis talent.”
“I am not a hypnotist,” he said through his teeth. He exhaled. “Never mind. If you insist on going inside the house, I’ll come with you.”
“Because I don’t think it’s smart for you to hang around here alone. Has it occurred to you that someone else may be watching this house to see who shows up to buy the list?”
Startled, she glanced around the still-dark neighborhood. There were a lot of places where a watcher could hide.
“Damn,” she whispered.
Without a word she turned and went into the dark kitchen. Luke followed, closing the door behind him. He took out his phone and turned on the flashlight. She got the icy-hot sensation that signaled another shot of adrenaline hitting her bloodstream. She was alone in the house with a man she had just met, one she had no reason to trust. She tightened her grip on the can of pepper spray.
“You’re not going to need that,” Luke said, annoyed.
She decided to ignore him. She opened the flashlight on her own phone.