Page 84 of The Night Island
“Got it,” Talia said.
Octavia and Phoebe nodded.
Phoebe shook her head. “It’s hard to believe they were trying to create psychic assassins.”
“Nathan Gill and Pomona Finch are obviously delusional,” Talia said crisply. “Dangerous, I admit, but delusional. Nathan Gill stumbled into the ruins of an abandoned government project that dates from the last century and decided to try his hand at creating killers with enhanced psychic talents. He ignored the glaring evidence that his grand plan was doomed from the start.”
Octavia frowned. “What evidence?”
Talia waved a hand to take in the whole of Night Island. “The Bluestone Project was shut down. There’s only one reason why a top secret research and development project gets terminated. That’s because it was unsuccessful.”
Octavia’s expression cleared. “You’re right. The government never would have abandoned a program like that if it had appeared even the least bit promising.”
Luke gave Talia an admiring look that did not quite conceal the amusement in his eyes. “You’re good. Very, very good.”
“Thank you,” she said. “I’m a podcaster. I know how to tell a story. But I would remind you again that I’m a professional. Don’t try this at home.”
The yacht wasnamedI’ve Got Mine. It was sleek and luxurious. Talia was right, Luke thought, he had done a nice job arranging transport off the island. The owners were a retired couple named Bev and Ben Thompson and they were delighted to play the role of rescuers.
“Don’t worry, there’s room for all of you,” Ben said as he ushered them on board. He looked up at the smoking ruins of the lodge and the labyrinth gardens. “Anyone hurt in that fire?”
“No,” Luke said.
“How did it start?” Ben asked.
“Fireplace,” Luke said. “Evidently management hadn’t cleaned the chimney in quite a while. Once it got going, that old building went up like a pile of kindling.”
“Are you four the only people on the island?”
“Management and the other guests left on the noon ferry yesterday,” Luke said. “We expected to get picked up today, but obviously there was a problem.”
“For as long as I can remember Night Island was off-limits,” Bensaid. “Private property. But about a year ago it was sold. Next thing we knew that meditation operation opened up, but it never seemed to do much business.”
“I think it’s safe to say the Unplugged Experience is closed for good,” Luke said.
Talia, Phoebe, andOctavia accepted Bev Thompson’s invitation to have coffee in the vessel’s elegantly appointed main cabin. Luke stayed outside and lounged on the rail while he waited for his heavily encrypted phone to wake up. When he was finally able to get a couple of bars he dialed the number in Las Vegas.
His call was answered on the first ring.
“Who are you and how did you get this number?” The voice was male, gravelly, and infused with intensity.
“I want to speak to Victor Arganbright,” Luke said.
“You’re talking to him. Now, who the hell are you?”
“A blogger. I writeThe Anomalies Report.”
“Never heard of it.”
“Yeah, well, I’m still building my brand,” Luke said. “The point is, in my work I pick up a lot of rumors. Does the wordBluestonemean anything to you?”
There was a short, stunned pause on the other end of the line. While he waited, Luke watched five members of an orca pod knife through the cold waters. The sleek apex predators looked like they were frolicking in the waves, but he knew that was an illusion. They were hunting.
“I’m listening,” Arganbright said. “But if this is a crank call...”