Page 86 of The Night Island
Octavia and Phoebe looked at Talia, silently signaling her to take the lead.
She smiled. “I’m sure it was not intentional. Nathan Gill no doubt planned to return to pick us up. But the ferry that services the island is just a small, private business. There were probably mechanical problems and the run was unavoidably delayed. No one could notify us because the one landline phone was out and there was no cell service.”
Octavia rolled her eyes. Phoebe looked angry. But Luke hademphasized the importance of sticking to their story, and they were doing just that. There would be no mention of mysterious deaths, underground gardens, or illegal experiments. He was right. She knew that no good would come of trying to convince their rescuers or the local authorities of the truth. For starters, no one would believe them, and it would be downhill from there.
Talia took another look at Luke. She could tell by the grim set of his face that he was still focused on strategy and logistics. Compartmentalizing. He was certainly not giving any thought to their relationship. Why would he? Yes, he wanted to be part of theLost Night Filesteam, but that did not mean he wanted a serious relationship with her.
She knew now that a serious relationship with him was the only kind she was interested in having.
She got to her feet. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to have a word with Luke.”
“Why don’t you take him a mug of coffee?” Bev suggested.
Talia smiled. “Great idea.”
She picked up the coffeepot and filled a mug half full as a precaution against spilling the contents. The water was smooth, but why take chances? She went out onto the covered deck.
Luke sensed her approach and turned to watch her come toward him. She thought his eyes warmed at the sight of her, but she told herself not to make any assumptions. She was sure there was a bond between them, and she was certain he was aware of it. But she did not know how he interpreted the connection. Would Luke recognize love if he slammed into it the way she had during the past few days? If he did acknowledge it, would he lose his nerve and surrender to his commitment issues?
She stopped beside him and handed him the mug.
“Bev thought you could use some coffee,” she said.
“Bev must be psychic.” Luke took the mug. “Thanks.”
Talia gripped the rail with one hand and used her other hand to hold her wind-whipped hair out of her eyes. “Were you able to contact the head of that Las Vegas outfit?”
“The Foundation. Yes, I got straight through to Victor Arganbright. He keeps a low profile, but he’s not trying to hide.”
“Unlike, say, you for the past three months?”
“Unlike me.”
“I could tell you were reluctant to get him involved,” Talia said. “I assume that’s because he’s got government connections and neither of us wants to become the target of a federal investigation. Is he going to be a problem?”
“I don’t think so, at least not right away,” Luke said. “I used my credentials as the anonymous blogger who writesThe Anomalies Report.”
It took a second for that news to register. When it did, she wasn’t sure whether to laugh or groan.
“Of course you writeThe Anomalies Report,” she said finally. “I’m psychic. Why did I not see that coming?”
“No psychic gets it right every time.”
“Moving right along, did Arganbright recognize your blog?”
“No.” Luke’s mouth twisted a little in a wry smile. “Which is embarrassing, of course, but, under the circumstances, good news.”
“I understand, believe me.”
“I think I managed to leave the impression that I’m just a small-time blogger who hangs out on the fringes of the online paranormal community.”
“In other words, you didn’t mention that, in your other life, youare a mild-mannered professor of history or that in a former life you worked in the intelligence business.”
“Nope. I told him that I picked up a weird rumor about an old government project called Bluestone and figured he would want to know about it given his connections to a certain government agency.”
She smiled. “Did you use your talent to convince him you were telling him the truth?”
“Unfortunately, my ability doesn’t work on the phone; only in person. But I didn’t need any extra juice to get his attention. I could tell the wordBluestonedid it. Arganbright struck me as a very single-minded guy, and at the moment he is focused one hundred percent on securing Night Island.”