Page 39 of Savage Alpha
“So why did you come by then, just a visit?” Mom asks cheerfully.
I pick my head up, meeting her inquisitive stare. “I actually was hoping to pick your brain a little,” I say, chewing on my lower lip anxiously. “I’ve hit a roadblock with my latest IT assignment.”
Mom’s hazel eyes light up with interest. “Oh, let’s hear it!”
“And that’s my cue,” Dad grumbles, shoving up from the couch with a chuckle. Though he used to be a squad leader, he’s never really understood the IT aspect of things. Technology is decidedly Mom’s wheelhouse.
He circles around the back of the sofa on his way out, pausing above my mom. She tips her head back with a smile and he dips down to lay a kiss on her lips while I avert my gaze, barely concealing another grimace. You’d think I’d be desensitized to their PDA having grown up around it, but nope- it’s still uncomfortable as hell.
Dad strolls away while my mom watches after him adoringly, then she swings her gaze back to me, giving me her full attention. “Okay, tell me about your assignment.”
I decide to blow past the awkwardness and get right down to business. “I was tasked with looking into the new pack that wants to join the alliance, to vet them for any potential red flags that may deem them a threat.”
Mom nods in understanding. “I figured as much. How’s that going?”
“Awful,” I murmur, scrubbing a hand over my face. “I only know the full name of the alpha, and it’s so common that I haven’t been able to narrow my search to anything useful. I did get ahold of some additional information, like where they stayed last and what they did for work, but if there’s a paper trail to be found, Ihaven’t been able to track it down. From what I’ve got so far, it’s like they don’t exist.”
“Everyone has an electronic footprint,” Mom muses.
“Exactly!” I sigh, throwing my hands up in exasperation. “That’s why this is so frustrating. I’ve been at it for days and I still haven’t gotten anywhere.”
My mother pauses for a long moment in contemplation, pursing her lips and tapping her finger against her chin. Then something sparks in her eyes, like she’s figured it out, and I sit up eagerly as she points at me. “So you said you don’t know names, right?”
“Right,” I confirm.
“What about faces?”
I narrow my eyes quizzically, imploring her to continue.
“I’m assuming the squad has scouts out there,” she states. “So put a camera in their hands and get them to take some photos of people within the pack. Facial recognition is huge these days, so if you could tap into a database…”
“I can,” I cut in confidently.
“Well then, there ya go!” she declares triumphantly. “Upload the photos and run them through facial recognition. If you can get some matches and names of other people within the pack, hopefully names that are a little more unique, it should give you more to go on to ramp up your investigation.”
“And that’s why you’re a damn genius,” I sigh, wondering why the hell I didn’t think of that.
Oh yeah, probably because I’ve been preoccupied with the hot-as-fuck alpha who’s been throwing me off my game since we met.
“So are you, babe,” Mom reassures. “Sometimes you just have to be on the outside looking in to see things from another angle and find the right solution.”
“Well I appreciate it. Truly.” I press my palms against the wide armrests of the recliner, pushing up to slip my legs out from beneath me and set my feet on the floor.
“Are you running off already?” my mom asks as I rise to stand.
“Yeah, I’ve gotta go put this plan into action.”
She grins knowingly, getting up from the couch to walk me out. My mother and I may be wildly different in some ways, but work ethic is something we can both agree upon. I have no doubt that she understands how eager I am to make some sort of progress with my assignment.
“Hey, did you get my text about Harper’s birthday dinner?” she asks as we walk side by side into the hall.
Good thing she just reminded me because it’d totally slipped my mind. My little sister has been away taking classes at Denver U, but she’s coming back next weekend to celebrate her birthday with the family.
“Yep, I’ll be there,” I reply cheerfully.
“You know, you can bring a friend if you want. If there’s anyone special…”
“Mom,” I groan.