Page 22 of Deceptive Union
Father and Franco share a glance, which only serves to make me more uncomfortable, before Father turns back to me. “Because he’s a threat to Franco’s power. He needs to be dealt with. He’s a hard man to kill, but he would never suspect you. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He already trusts you, Nina. It won’t be hard. All you have to do is kill him.”
“You make it sound easy,” I gasp out, clutching at my chest.
Father doesn’t even blink as he responds, “That’s because it is.”
“Just grab a knife from the kitchen,” Franco says, “and stab him when he’s asleep. Simple. He won’t be expecting it.”
I double forward, my head against my knees. “I can’t. I can’t kill him.” I look up at my father. “I’m not a murderer. And Antonio doesn’t deserve to die.”
Franco rushes up to me, and I jerk back as he leans in close to me.
“Franco, careful,” Father warns.
Franco ignores him. “You think Antonio doesn’t deserve to die?” he seethes, spittle flying from his mouth and hitting my cheek. “Antonio is a little shit. He thinks he has a right to my power. Mine.” He jabs his finger against his chest. “I’ve earned it. I’ve worked for it. I’ve had it for eleven years. I had to stand behind my brother for years before he died. When I took over, I vowed I would never stand behind anyone ever again. This is my power. My business. I’m not about to let someboysteal it from me. So, if you think Antonio doesn’t deserve to die, you’re more delusional than you look.” He steps back, letting me breath. “Just listen to what your daddy tells you and be a good little girl.”
Father eyes Franco. “Are you done?”
Franco straightens his tie and clears his throat. “She needed to know.”
With a sigh and a shake of his head, Father turns to me. “Nina, we need you to do this. I need you to tell me right now you can do this.”
“And if I can’t do it?” I whisper, my entire body shaking.
Father’s cold eyes turn pitying. “Then you’re no daughter of mine.” I flinch back. “If you don’t do this, Nina, I’ll just find someone who can. And seeing as your Antonio’s wife …” He shrugs. “Something may happen to you, too.”
I stare at my father in shock. He’ll have memurderedif I don’t murder Antonio? I knew my father was a cold man, but this takes the cake. “Nothing is stopping me from going to Antonio and telling him about your plan. Antonio and I can run away together, and we’d be ok.”
Franco snorts. “It’s cute how you think that. But you’re just a woman. And Antonio’s time is ticking.”
“Do you really want to die with him, daughter?” Father asks.
No. I have an entire life I want to live. But I want Antonio at my side while I do it. I can’t let my father win this game. I just can’t. I’ve been letting him win my entire life. When he cheated on my mom and told me to not tell her, I listened. When he threatened to beat me with his belt if I said anything, I remained quiet. He’s always won. I’m tired of it.
So, I say the only thing that gives me a chance of winning. “I’m not afraid to die.”
“Mmm.” Father looks at me carefully before nodding. “All right. If you’re not afraid to die, then what about your sister?”
It’s like ice cold water has been poured over me. “What?”
“Anna is only thirteen. She has many years before she’s old enough to live on her own. I could make her life hell if you don’t do what I want.”
My breath gets caught in my throat as blood rushes in my ears.
I can’t let Anna get hurt because of me. She’s never experienced the cold side to our father because I always took the brunt force of it. But now I’m not living here anymore. I can’t protect her. Anna’s life will take a turn for the worse if I don’t do what my father tells me.
“What would you do to her?” I ask.
“Hedging your bets, are you?” Father shifts in his seat, taking his sweet time giving me answer. He’s making me sweat this out. His own form of torture. “What would I do to Anna? Well, first things first, I’d make sure no man would want to marry her when she’s older. I’d make sure she couldn’t escape and live her own life. I’d make sure she was miserable every day all because her older sister refused to play by my rules. Maybe I’d even pull the belt out every now and then.”
I gasp. “You can’t.”
“I’m not bluffing, Nina. Franco and I need this done, and you really are the best one to do it. So, for your sister’s sake, I’d work on a plan to kill Antonio. And soon. You don’t have to do it today, but don’t make us wait forever.”
Franco looks like he’s really enjoying himself as he watches this showdown between my father and me. “You have less than a month to get it done. I don’t want that bastard walking around any longer than he already has.”
“Why not just get someone else?” I ask, knowing I’m running out of options. I can feel my father’s fist closing in around me.
“Because this is more interesting,” Father responds coldly. “He won’t be expecting you. Just do what Franco suggested. Kill him when he’s asleep. And then, that’s it. Anna and you will be safe under Franco’s and my protection. Just do it, Nina.” He grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly, making me wince. “Make me proud.”