Page 28 of Deceptive Union
She sat up, pulling away from me. “I don’t need you to tell me what to do, ok? I know Theo doesn’t like me like that. Just drop it.”
“I’m just looking out for you.”
“I know.” She flashed me a quick smile and patted my hand before standing up. “I’m always here for you, too.”
That was the thing with Cecilia and me—we could bicker and then become best friends again. From when we were kids to when we were teens, it never changed between us.
I haven’t seen my sister in five years … I wonder if things have finally changed between us.
* * *
The plan is in motion.
Killian and I head out to the docks where Franco will be receiving the drug shipment at one of his warehouses. I’ve spent the past five years studying Franco’s every move; I know exactly where his warehouses are.
Petrov will stay behind because he’s more of a man behind the scenes than a front-line guy. Which leaves things up to Killian and me.
Armed with Molotov cocktails, we’re going to blow up Franco’s warehouse and all the drugs within it. This won’t stop him, but it’ll hurt him, and that’s what I want. I need to chink away at his armor and create an opening to kill him.
We scope out the warehouse, staying behind a shipping container close to Franco’s warehouse. He has two guards stationed out front. Who knows how many inside. I don’t want to kill too many of my dad’s men, but this is war, and in war, there are casualties. Besides, they chose to follow Franco, not me. They’re enemies in my eyes.
I nod at Killian, who has the better aim between the two of us. He throws the cocktail at the window. It explodes on impact, causing fire to expand over the side of the warehouse. The guards run over to it, which gives Killian and me a chance. We run around the other side of the warehouse and sneak inside through an open window.
The plan is to throw the remaining cocktails inside and blow up all the drugs and any men who get in the way.
Except … when we get inside, I notice right away it’s empty.
No drugs, no men, no nothing.
Killian and I exchange a confused look. “Where’re the drugs?” Killian asks.
“I have no clue. I knew it was coming in tonight. It’s supposed to be here. The place is supposed to be teeming with men.”
“So, then, why is it empty?”
“Shit!” I throw one of the cocktails, and it explodes on the ground, lighting up right away. “Shit! This wasn’t the plan. Franco must have changed things at the last minute.”
“But why? Did he know we were coming?”
“How could he?” I shake my head. The fire is growing more now. We need to get out. “He must have changed plans just to be safe. He knows I’m coming after him. He’s known it since I was eighteen. Franco is a smart man, despite how much it pains me to say. He … outsmarted me.”
Killian pats my back. “There’ll be other chances to wound him. But we need get out now, unless we want to end up as fried chicken.” He nods at the fire slowly approaching us.
Killian and I scramble back out of the window and hurry to our car, avoiding the guards along the way. Killian drives while I fume.
I can’t fucking believe this. This plan was supposed to be the first of good things to come. Hurting Franco bit by bit. Now, I’ll have to go back to the drawing board and think of something else I can do to hurt him.
Killian is smart enough to not say anything as he drops me off at my apartment. He’s already showing how much of a good number two he is. Someday, when I take back my family business, I’ll make sure to reward Killian handsomely.
Nina is on the couch when I come home, looking forlorn as she has for the past few days. But when she glances up at me, she must see how devastated I look because she comes running over.
“Antonio? Are you ok?”
“The plan didn’t work,” I mutter. “The plan didn’t work.”
For just a second, I think I see what looks like guilt in her eyes before she pulls me into a hug. “Oh, Antonio. I’m sorry.”
I hold her tightly as I bury my head into the crook of her neck. “I’m going to get him one day, Nina. It’s going to happen.”