Page 43 of Deceptive Union
I go still. “No. I didn’t know that.”
“Why would you? He made me swear to secrecy when I was a kid. It’s just … been bothering me, I guess.”
“I get it.” I swipe my fingers down her arm. “If you want to talk about it more …”
She shrugs, opening the door. “What’s there to talk about? He’s hurt my feelings. He’s betrayed my mom. There’s nothing else to say.” She leaves the car before I can say anything else. The only evidence she was even in the car at all is the faint smell of sex in the air.
This time, I watch Nina walk toward the elevators that will take her to our apartment. I don’t follow her.
Instead, I send her a text that I’m going to talk to her father. I start the car and leave.
* * *
Petrov answersthe door of his condo for me. Nina only responded with an “Ok.” She’s clearly dealing with things between her and her father, and that’s not my place. Except, I need to know more about the man I’m working with. If he’s betrayed his own wife, who’s to say he won’t betray me, too?
So far, Petrov hasn’t given me any reason to doubt him. He’s provided me with money, which he promised. He married his daughter to me. But the only way I’ve managed to hurt Franco since starting to work with Petrov was by sure chance when Killian and I stumbled upon Alfonso, Franco’s second-in-command.
I need to hit Franco in an even bigger way, and I need Petrov’s help with that.
“Antonio,” Petrov says, welcoming me into his home. “I wasn’t expecting you tonight.”
“I realized I haven’t been entirely truthful with you,” I tell him, taking a seat on the couch. He settles in across from me. Knowing what Nina told me about her father cheating on his wife, I look at the man with new eyes. Yes, a lot of Mafia men are scoundrels who cheat on their wives, but my father was never one of them. And I never intend to be one of them either.
“Oh?” Petrov has this uncanny ability to quirk his eyebrow in a way that makes me feel both at ease and uncomfortable.
“I didn’t tell you about killing Franco’s second-in-command. Alfonso is dead. But knowing how powerful you are, I’m sure you already know that.”
“I do. I found out through an acquaintance. I have eyes and ears everywhere, you know.”
That almost sounds like a threat. I brush it off. “It was a spur of the moment thing. I saw an opportunity, and I took it.”
“With the Irishman?” Petrov’s lips curl on the word.
“Yes, with Killian. Remember, we’re all on the same team here.”
Petrov shifts in his seat. “Oh, I know. But next time, don’t leave me out of any plans. That’s all I ask. I am helping to pay for this operation, aren’t I?”
“Yes, you are. Which is why I wanted to tell you what my next game plan is. Even Killian doesn’t know yet.” Petrov perks up at that. I continue speaking. “Franco is a powerful man. I wanted to weaken him until there was nothing left of him, but I can’t wait anymore. I think the next plan of attack is to draw Franco out and just be done with him. Kill him in one fell swoop. I’ll take over after that. His men will have no choice but to come to my side. And with you at my side, it’ll make things even easier. What do you say?”
Petrov purses his lips, eyeing me over carefully. “Are you sure you don’t want to try going after another one of his shipments? That would be the smarter move.”
“It would be. But I can’t keep waiting for Franco to go down. He has too much power. If I want Franco gone, I need to kill him myself. And I need to do it soon. So, I was thinking you could go talk to him.”
“Me?” Petrov chuckles. “Why ever would it be me?”
“Because you’re Pavel Petrov. You’re famous in this city. Franco won’t be able to resist a meeting with you. You tell him to meet you at a spot I’ll designate. You get him into position, and I’ll strike. He’ll be dead for good.”
Petrov is quiet for a moment before he speaks. “Very well. It could work. When do you want this to happen?”
“As soon as possible. You just let me know when you have the meeting set with Franco.”
“I will.” Petrov and I stand up at the same time. He shakes my hand. “I’m glad to business with you, Antonio. Soon, we’ll take over this city together.”
I smile darkly. “That’s what I like to hear.”
* * *
I leavePetrov’s place on a high. Even though I don’t approve of his personal life when it comes to his wife or his issues with Nina, I do love how much of a Petrov good businessman he is. He’ll help me regain the power owed to me.