Page 54 of Deceptive Union
Nina doesn’t say anything as she tentatively hugs my mom back. I nod at her encouragingly, letting her know it’s ok. “Thank you,” she finally says once my mom lets her go. “I’m glad to have Antonio as my husband. I don’t think anyone could be better, given it was an arranged marriage.” Even though Nina’s words are kind, there’s a hesitancy to them that doesn’t make me quite believe what she’s saying. I’ll have to ask her about it later.
After we sit down and order our food, Mom begins to gush over seeing me. “I just can’t believe how much you’ve grown. You’re a man now.” She blinks back tears.
I have to hold my own back as well. “Five years can change a person.”
“It sure can. What have you been doing in that time?”
“Do you really want to know?”
She makes a face. “Of course, I want to know. I’m your mother.”
With a deep breath, I tell her. “I’ve had to fight to earn money.” The way she gasps, it’s clear she’s not ok with this revelation. “It was the only thing I was good at. The only thing I could do that would earn me a reputation that I could use against Franco and to take back our family business.”
Mom shakes her head sadly. “I understand. I just don’t like hearing you’ve had to literally fight to get by. That just breaks my heart, Antonio. I tried so hard to protect you, and I … failed.”
“You didn’t fail,” I tell her, squeezing her hand. “You were always good to me. It wasn’t your fault Franco took control after Dad died. You were in a vulnerable position. We all were. Hell, I was just a kid.”
“Don’t swear,” she says instinctively.
“I’m not a kid any longer,” I say pointedly.
Nina’s quiet as she watches the exchange between my mom and me. She was the same when it came to my sisters. I want Nina to know she belongs in this family.
I turn to Nina, wrapping my arm around her. “So, what do you think of my wife? Nina has been nothing but supportive of me.” Nina blushes and ducks her head, not saying anything.
Mom smiles warmly. “I’m just so happy. Now, you can extend the Moretti line.”
Nina’s eyes bulge, and I hold up my hands, laughing. “Mom, it’s still a little early for that. We’ve only been together a month. Give it time.”
“I know. But children can help secure your power once you get rid of Franco.”
“It didn’t help us, though,” I point out. “Franco took over because none of us were adults.”
“Emilia was eighteen.” Mom crosses her arms like she’s won this argument.
“Yeah, but she wasn’t the one expected to take over after Dad died. That was me, and I was just a kid. I’m not sure how kids help your family line unless they’re adults. I don’t want to bring a kid into this world until I’m sure I can take Franco down. Until he’s dead.”
She raises her hands in surrender. “Fair enough. Right now, that’s what you need to focus on. Taking down Franco. I don’t want him in your father’s house any longer.” The venom in her voice surprises me. I knew she didn’t like Franco, but the hate she exudes is powerful. “I hated what he did to you. Trying to kill you. He put the rest of us in a tough spot with that. All I wanted was to be there for you, and I couldn’t be because Franco wouldn’t let me. He barely lets me out of his sight anymore. I managed to come here because he allows me time to go shopping every week.” She rolls her eyes. “As if that’s all a woman is good for.
“But,” she continues, “that’s why we couldn’t get Cecilia to come with. It would have looked too suspicious to Franco if she and I left together. We have to be so careful about where we go now. Franco’s grip is suffocating.”
“I know the feeling,” Nina says quietly. It’s the first time she’s truly offered to talk since my mom arrived.
Mom nods at her. “Being under the thumb of a powerful man is no fun.”
“That’s like my dad,” Nina explains. “He likes to be controlling, too.” I remember what Nina told me about her dad cheating on her mom and making her keep quiet about it.
“Before my husband died,” Mom says, taking a sip of her wine, “Franco was never on my radar. Yes, I’d see him around, but we never interacted. It wasn’t until Riccardo died and Franco moved into our house that things changed. For all of us. He’s hurt me in ways you can’t imagine.”
I sit up straighter, my heart constricting. “What do you mean?”
Mom opens and closes her mouth before sighing. “I think it’s time you knew. Your older sisters already know. He’s …hurtme.”
“Like abused you?” I thought I was the only one, but I guess I was wrong. “I knew he was a bastard, but he’s hit you? That’s what you’re telling me?” My anger is rising. Nina has to place a hand on my arm to settle me down.
“He … has,” Mom says shakily. “Among other things.”
“Other things? What …” I trail off, realizing what she means. “Mom,” I start slowly, treading carefully. “Are you telling me he …”