Page 57 of Deceptive Union
Nina holds me tightly as our bodies move together. Her hands roam up and down my spine, sending shivers over me. When I grind my hips down, she gasps.
I don’t stop kissing her as I increase my pace. The friction sends pleasure all over my cock. I won’t be able to hold out for much longer.
“Nina,” I groan, coming after one more thrust. Nina grips her legs tighter around me as she comes with me.
“Antonio,” she sighs.
Our bodies stay wedged together as we kiss. I could stay like this forever, with Nina in my arms. “I love you,” I tell her again, unafraid to say it.
She gazes back at me, her eyes looking like fucking stars. “I love you, too.”
Her words send a jolt straight to my heart. When I smile, she smiles right back.
* * *
Post-sex,I’m always hungry, so I go in search of some food. Nina is still lounging on the bed.
I open the fridge and only find ingredients I’d have to assemble to make something. I just want a quick bite to eat.
I open one of the cabinets and search for food. My eyes land on a bag of cornmeal, and I snort. Of course, Nina would have cornmeal in the house. She’s always making food for us.
I push it out of the way, still searching for something to eat, when my eyes land on a tiny bottle. More like a vial.
I frown, grabbing it. There’s no label on it.
Then I remember the day Nina told me it was something to put in water to help it taste better.
I shrug and grab a glass, pouring myself some water. Then I open the lid of the bottle and start to pour it into the glass.
After swirling it around, I lift the glass to my lips.
Nina’s shout makes me jump. I instantly put the glass down. “Nina?”
She’s standing in the kitchen with a silk robe on, looking frantic. Her face is full of fear. “Don’t drink that.”
I look down at the glass in my hand before looking back at her. Something niggles at the back of my mind.
I turn to face her head on.
My heart practically beats out of my chest as I look at Antonio. When I came out and saw him with the vial of poison in his hand, I felt like I would die.
But now, I feel like I might faint from the look Antonio gives me. Confusion mixed with a little bit of anger. How am I going to talk myself out of this one?
“What do you mean?” he asks me. “Why should I not drink this? You told me it was just a flavor additive for water.”
“I … I did say that. It’s just … I was going to drink it. I didn’t want you drinking it.” I know how lame the excuse is as soon as it escapes me.
Antonio doesn’t buy it for a second. “Nina,” he says slowly, “why do youreallynot want me to drink this?” He holds the glass up. “What happens if I drink this?”
“I don’t know,” I whisper.
“You don’t know?” The anger in his voice scares me.