Page 10 of Rebel Vengeance

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Page 10 of Rebel Vengeance

“Is it really necessary to have him tagging along? We haven’t seen any sightings of Zeke in weeks. Maybe he got bored and moved on from this whole revenge thing.”

“Yes, woman, it’s necessary and if Nitro tells me you gave him a hard time, I’m going to take you downstairs and punish you,” he says in a hushed tone so that Harper can’t hear. The thought of being punished causes me to squeeze my thighs together to stifle the ache growing in my core. E and I decided to build us a playroom for those times we want to have a little fun. The room has every toy and piece of equipment you can imagine and his punishments are something I always look forward to.

“Is that a promise?” I murmur as I press my lips against his.

“Oh yeah, it’s a promise,” he answers as his hand slides down and grips my ass. This is getting out of hand and if we don’t stop, I’ll never get out of here. When he kisses me one last time, I can’t help but wonder if it will always be this way. Will we always want each other so desperately? Will the slightest touch from this man always make my knees go weak? Most marriages fizzle down to two people existing in a shared space, but I don’t see that happening with us. There’s not a time I can remember that we stop touching, kissing, or showing some form of affection and I wouldn’t change that for anything.

Walking me to my car, E briefly exchanges words with Nitro before shutting my door. Rolling down my window, I lean out the window for one last kiss. Nitro follows me as we head down the long driveway and onto the road leading to our house. I’ve only driven a short distance when I notice an SUV at the bottom of the hill. Nitro must notice the vehicle too because he rides ahead to check things out. I slow down just in case he signals me to get back to the house. My pulse quickens at the thought of something else happening after I just tried to ease Ephraim’s mind about me going out today. When he gives me the all clear, I let out the breath I was holding and resume my speed. It takes us about twenty minutes to get into town and as we turn onto Main Street, I immediately spot Alise’s car parked in front of the local bakery. As soon as I open the door, she and Holly turn at the sound of the chime and we squeal like little girls as we hug.

This day out is not all about Gideon. Between Harper and planning the wedding, I haven't had any time to hang out with my girls. We’re going to get a little retail therapy in while we're picking up everything we need for the party. We refuse to let our lives come to a standstill because of someone with a grudge. Being married to the Sergeant At Arms of an MC, there will always be people who threaten our lives. It unfortunately comes with the territory. You either live with it or leave the life. The Rebels don’t invite trouble, but sometimes trouble manages to find us.



After ordering the cake, we walk to the plaza where all the retail stores are located. Visiting a few stores we manage to order the rest of the party supplies in record time, which leaves us ample time to eat and shop. Holly volunteered for decorating duty since her mother is a caterer and when she was a teenager, she helped her mother get things ready for whatever event she catered. Taking out her checklist, Alise announces,

“I think we’re all set ladies. Now who’s ready for a mani/pedi and champagne brunch?”

Holly and I raise our hands in excitement as we head toward our favorite spa. As we head down the walkway, it feels as though someone is watching me. Nitro has been following us closely, but it’s not his presence that I feel. Without alerting him, I quickly scan the area and check out our surroundings. Nothing seems amiss, so I brush it off and enjoy this time with my girls. As we reach the spa, Nitro tells me he’ll be at the diner across the street watching us through the window. If Ephraim were here, he would insist on sitting right there with us. I roll my eyes at the thought, but I think it’s cute how protective he is. One thing I never have to question is Ephraim’s love and devotion to me. I feel it in the depths of my soul and if that means that he’s constantly making sure that I’m safe, I would be a fool to ever let him go.

We’re just finishing brunch when Alise asks if we could stop at the cookie shop in the mall. They make the most delicious macaroons and since they’re Gideon’s favorites, she wants to pick up a box for him. Holly and I stand to the side as Alise talks to the young man at the register fixing her order when I get this overwhelming feeling I'm being watched again. Looking around, I don't see anyone looking my way or paying attention to us, but I still can't shake this feeling.

"Lizzie, are you alright?" Alise asks as she walks toward us with her purchase holding out the box to offer us a cookie.

"Yes, I'm okay. Just a little tired from all the walking and brunch," I reply as I hold my hand up to decline the offer. My tummy is still full and I have no room for dessert.

“Are you ready to head out? We can totally call it a day since we got a lot done,” she continues to probe.

“If you don’t mind, I think I’m ready to get home,” I say as my unease starts to get the best of me.

“Well, thank you both for coming with me. I couldn't have done all this without you,” she says as we all hug. Nitro looks relieved when we start walking to our cars excitedly talking about the day and how we have to do this again soon. We stand there and talk for a few moments when out of my peripheral vision I see that same SUV from earlier parked just a few cars down from mine. Panic grips me and it feels as though the walls are closing in on me. Breathe, Lizzie breathe, I chant to myself. What is wrong with me? I’ve come so far from that scared little girl I used to be and now I'm letting the smallest things spook me.

It could very well not be the same vehicle. It’s not like I could see the license plate or any other distinctive markings since it was facing me. Besides, black SUVs are a dime a dozen and everyone in Iron Forge frequents the mall. My mind is more than likely playing tricks on me and I’m just a little hyped with Zeke’s threat. After loading my packages into the trunk, I get in my car and give E a call letting him know that I'm on the way home. Just the sound of his voice calms me and brings a smile to my face. He tells me about his day with Harper and how she “manipulated” him into doing everything she wanted. My heart swells with pride and my worry starts to fade away.

On the outside looking in, no one would believe that he is the best girl dad in the world. Although she has him wrapped around his finger, he also disciplines her in the gentlest way that helps her understand this life. Even Saint sits still while she puts hats or clothes on him. She is just the most adorable, lovable little girl ever and she is definitely in charge of our hearts. Before I left the house, I promised to bring her a cake pop from Starbucks. She loves those and since I was away most of the day, I wanted to bring her a treat since we don’t allow her sweets that often. She is wired enough on her own and doesn’t need any extra help in that department.

Pulling up to the drive thru, I order Harper a strawberry cake pop, a caramel frappe for Ephraim, and a strawberry tea for myself. After receiving my order, I slowly advance forward, looking left to right to make sure no one is coming when I see that same SUV again. It’s parked across the street and if my eyes aren’t deceiving me, it looks as though I’m being watched. The driver side window is rolled down and they appear to be looking my way. My heart seizes in my chest as fear consumes me. Although the late afternoon sun gives me the perfect view, I can't make out the driver. Whoever they are, they’ve carefully chosen black attire and sunglasses to obscure themselves.

This doesn't feel like a coincidence as I slam down on the gas and pull out into traffic, not caring if other cars are coming. Several honking horns bring me back to my senses and it’s then that I realize I need to slow down before I cause an accident. Checking my rearview mirror, I’m relieved when I don’t see the black SUV following me, but I do see Nitro signaling me to pull over. I totally forgot that he was with me and I could’ve easily alerted him to the potential threat, but I freaked out and just took off. Pulling into the lot of a burger joint, I roll down the window when Nitro pulls up next to me.

“Lizzie, what the fuck was that? You could’ve killed someone!” He yells, obviously irritated because it took him a minute to catch up to me. I not only put myself in danger, but I also put Nitro in danger. The way he weaved in and out of traffic to get to me was not safe.

“I’m so sorry. It’s just that, when I finished picking up my order, I noticed someone in a black SUV parked across the street and I panicked. The person was watching me and even though I couldn’t see anyone earlier, I’m pretty sure it was the same vehicle I saw at the plaza.” I realize my mistake as soon as the words are out and cringe when he gives me a look that says, I’m in trouble.

“What do you mean the one you saw earlier at the plaza?” He asks through gritted teeth, waiting for me to answer. He looks as though he wants to throttle me.

“Well, when we were leaving, I saw a black SUV parked a few cars away. It looked like the one at the bottom of the hill by our house too,” I reply, knowing I should’ve said something because we’re on high alert. How could I be so stupid?

“Damnit, Lizzie!” He shouts as he pulls his phone from his pocket.

“Please don’t tell E. I’m okay and no one was hurt,” I plead as he completely ignores me while relaying everything to my husband. He will not be happy with me and I’m not looking forward to having that conversation when I get home. Ephraim is going to be so upset with me. It’s a good thing I’m bringing home treats.

Pulling into the yard, my heart thunders in my chest as I observe a heated Torch waiting for me on the porch. He slowly descends the stairs and walks by my driver door, staring me down like I’m easy prey. He continues on until he reaches Nitro. They speak in hushed tones as I gather our drinks to take into the house. Saint bounds out the door as soon as I open it, followed by Harper. This of course makes me smile, giving me a brief reprieve from my husband’s anger. When I come back outside, I notice that Nitro is gone and Ephraim is getting my bags out of the trunk. His silence is unnerving and I know he’s trying to calm himself down while Harper is still awake. He refuses to look at me as we all make our way into the house. Opening the cabinet, I take out some shortbread cookies to have with our drinks as Harper eats her cake pop and tells me about her and her daddy’s day. E just sits in silence, staring at me as he drinks his frappe.

“How about we watch a movie before bed, nugget?” I ask.

“Yay!” She shouts excitedly, jumping into my lap. Gathering her in my arms, we head into the family room. When I don’t hear Ephraim’s footsteps behind me, I turn and inquire,

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