Page 15 of Devil's Betrayal
Tonight, I find myself overseeing security at The Fuzzy Peach, courtesy of Snake. Sergei is here gambling and Snake wants to make sure that’s all he’s doing. It’s a bullshit assignment and I’d much rather be with the female that’s been keeping my bed warm. I met Chloe a few weeks ago here at the club. She has been a welcomed distraction, helping me forget about a lot of the shit I’ve been dealing with trying to prove my loyalty to Snake and the Devils. Chloe was dancing, minding her own business when this asshole named Shawn started bothering her. Turns out, he is her ex. He was treating her like shit, and I had no choice but to intervene. Confronting Shawn allowed me to channel my frustrations, making the trouble with Snake worthwhile.
Adding to my mounting problems, Hawk has been relentlessly pressuring me about the sex trafficking game, wanting the contact information for my connections in Las Vegas. While it did bring in significant revenue to the club, italso attracted the kind of danger that would jeopardize our lives. Snake has made it clear that under no circumstances will the Devils participate in human trafficking again. Before he retires, he’s determined to turn the Devils into a legit club making money in a way that will keep us out of trouble and secures our future. However, Hawk, next in line to become the Devil’s Prez, disregards Snake’s orders and insists on doing whatever the fuck he wants. Despite Snake warning him that he will choose someone else, Hawk refuses to relent.
The club is relatively quiet as I navigate towards the rear of the stage and slip through the curtain. Strolling down the hallway, I contemplate having a talk with Snake and Hammer to see what else I can do to help rebuild their trust. With Hawk still stirring up trouble, they automatically suspect I’m in on it, which I understand given our history of trouble making. If anything, Hawk has been angry because I refuse to get back into sex trafficking. He said my head is so far up Snake’s ass that I’m missing out on making some real cash. When I reminded him that his father is two seconds from having the Devils vote me out, he dismisses the threat, promising to reinstate me when he assumes the role of Prez. This alone shows his loyalty solely lies with himself.
What he remains oblivious to is the fact that, should by some miracle, he becomes the Prez, I’ll relinquish my Kutte and sever ties with the Devils. No way am I associating with a club under his reckless leadership. As I near the office, the unmistakable sound of Hawk’s voice reaches my ears and he’s having a discussion with that son of a bitch, Shawn. Despite my explicit warning to Hawk to stay away from him because of his connection to the Russians, he’s once again doing whatever the fuck he wants. Snake has already gotten on his ass when I told him about Hawk trying to get back into trafficking, but it did nothing to deter him. To my surprise, they seem to have knowneach other longer than Hawk let on. Reminiscing about high school and some other shit. I’m about to move but my steps falter when Hawk raises a chilling question.
“Are you sure you tied her up tight enough and taped her mouth?” He asks. “I don’t need her making noise and drawing attention to the warehouse or getting away.”
“Yeah, man. She’s secure and I told her if she makes any noise, I’ll tell her father about her little drug habit and the guy she’s been fucking that’s part of his security team.”
“That’s good because we need this to work so I can be rid of Widow’s ass once and for all,” he declares. “He’s changed and he’s getting on my fucking nerves with this shit! I swear he acts like a fucking pussy, kissing my father’s ass like a little bitch. All he had to do was give me his connection’s info and I would do the rest.”
“Let’s just get this over with before it gets too late. Sergei will be expecting her back at the hotel soon, and if we’re late, he’ll get suspicious and start asking questions. I’m not trying to get caught in the middle of this.”
“You’re already in the middle of it but Widow will be the one to go down. We’ve already got the ball rolling. I just need to get Widow on board and I know just how I’m going to do it,” he says, laughing like the evil bastard he is. This proves that Hawk is too far gone to change and if he becomes the president of the Devils, he will bring the club to its knees and our members will be lost. Anger courses through me as I absorb the gravity of what I’ve just overheard. Despite wanting to burst in and put a stop to this idiotic plan, I decide to speak to Hammer and tell him what Hawk is planning. Convincing Snake of the truth would be futile given our strained relationship. I head back up the stairs not caring about what’s going on with the gamblers. Hawk is purposely trying to get me killed because I won’t do his bidding. Well, fuck him. Stopping at the bar, I order a whiskey neat, fullyunderstanding that Hawk is toying with my life. After being MC brothers for so many years, I can’t believe it’s come to this.
A genuine friend would’ve noticed that I’m trying to keep my nose clean after clashing with the Rebels. That experience was enough trouble to last a lifetime and taught me that seeking revenge brings its own bitter consequences. I’m not tied to Snake by blood, so when he looks at me, the only thing he sees is a menace and a pain in his ass. When he looks at Hawk, he sees his misguided son that’s trying to prove himself and naturally wants to help him. Lately, everything I do seems to irk him and I've had enough. Snake is oblivious to the fact that his own son has concocted a plan that could ignite a war between the Devils and the Russians, showing a blatant disregard for his father’s wishes.
Hawk seems to have lost his fucking mind, and had I not overheard his dangerous plan, Snake would likely dismiss any warnings from me. What infuriates me further is that, while I remain loyal to the Devils, Hawk, destined to be the next Prez, is plotting more trouble than I ever did. My only escape from this mess is to disclose the information to Hammer and approach Snake together. He trusts Hammer, and will take the time to listen to him. I just hope we can put a stop to this mess before things spiral out of control. As I make my way to my motorcycle, my phone buzzes with a message from Hawk asking me to meet him at the warehouse we have outside of town. Knowing what he has planned, I head in that direction, ready to end this shit once and for all.
My head throbs as if it’s splitting in two. MoMa and Lena ensured I made it home last night after drowning my sorrows in Bardot’s finest. Instead of a pleasant evening with my son, I spent the entire night consumed with worry about what was happening with Micah and Gideon. The memory of Gideon tearing out of the parking lot, a storm of rage mixed with hurt and disappointment on his face, is etched in my mind. His gaze bore into me with disdain, as if I were the one who had betrayed him. No mother desires her children’s disappointment but in giving so much to my children and grandchildren, I’ve neglected myself. I can only hope that Micah was able to get through to him so that Gideon can know the truth of what happened all those years ago.
Dragging myself out of bed, I head straight for the shower, seeking solace and to mentally prepare for whatever outcome awaits. The warm water soothes my achy muscles as my mind continues to race. It’s hard to let go when things remainunresolved and the pressing need to be with Micah weighs heavily on me. Finishing my shower, I walk into my bedroom to check my phone and there are no missed calls or messages which intensifies my anxiety. It doesn’t help to worry but it’s hard not to when so much is at stake. Looking at the clock, I see that it’s almost noon and I hurriedly get dressed. Sending a quick text to Micah, I ask him to meet me for lunch at MoMa’s so we can talk.
As I prepare to descend the stairs, my phone vibrates with an incoming text from Micah telling me that I already have plans for lunch. Tapping the screen to respond, I ask him what does he mean when my doorbell rings. My heart pounds in my chest as I approach the door knowing that Gideon stands on the other side. His looming figure takes up the space as I look at his face through the glass. It’s hard to gauge his mood from this distance but as I get closer, I’m shocked to see black and blue bruising, swelling, and a splint on his nose.
"What the hell happened to your face?" I exclaim, swiftly opening the door.
“Your boyfriend happened, that’s what!” He replies with a bit of sarcasm, and it irritates me.
“Last night I gave you a pass because you were upset but you can turn your ass right around and leave if you can’t speak to me with respect!”
Releasing a heavy sigh, he says,
“I’m sorry Mom and I’m sorry about the way I treated you last night. Yes, I was angry but that was no way for me to treat you in front of everybody. MoMa is next on my list to apologize to. When I’m wrong, I’m man enough to admit I’m wrong. Can you forgive me?”
“Of course, I forgive you, son,” I say as I hold my arms open for a hug. He winces in pain when I squeeze a little too tight and I slightly loosen my hold but don’t let go.
“Does this mean you’re okay with Micah and I being together?” I hesitantly ask.
“It means that I care more about your happiness than my ego. He explained everything to me and although it was hard to accept, I believe him. If Templar hadn’t knocked me on my ass, I would’ve killed Micah.”
Gasping, I hold my hand over my mouth unable to form words.
“Don’t worry, Micah held his own, which is why my face looks this way. Alise wasn’t too thrilled having to pick me up from the hospital but she’s glad that Micah and I settled our differences.”
“I-I don’t know what to say.”
“Mom, I’m so sorry I didn’t know what Dad was up to. Micah told me everything and I can honestly say that I believe him. That day in Dad’s office when he shot himself, I could see it in his eyes that he held more secrets that he wanted to take to his grave. What I need to understand is why you never told me about Micah?”
Tears clog my throat as I try to maintain my composure. A heaviness settles in my chest even though a weight has been lifted with Gideon accepting my relationship with Micah. There was a time when I loved Franklin but now, I hate him. Looking at my son’s battered face and listening to the anguish in his voice makes me wish Franklin were here right now to answer for his sins.