Page 5 of Y'allywood Billionaire
I’m about to see Billy Road’s goods, so I order myself to keep my gaze at eye level.
“So, what’s going on?” I throw up my hands.
“Thank god you’re here.” Skye stands and jogs over to us. “We locked ourselves out of the Winnebago. The keys are in my jeans pocket, and my jeans are in the Winnebago. Can either of you go get your spare to unlock the door?”
“Are you kidding me?” My eyes pop out of my head.
“You know, you just needonekey.“ Maddox folds his arms. “You could’ve calledoneof us.”
“We never thought you’d both show,” Skye says. “We were playing the odds.”
Before I can say anything else, Billy approaches me. “It’s a pleasure seeing you again, Riley.” He extends his hand.
“Nice to see you,” I say to his hairline. There’s no way I’m looking down!
This is all so surreal. I still haven’t gotten used to the fact that my best friend’s dad is Billy Road, an eight-time Grammy-winning singer. A man who’s managed to stay famous for over forty years stands naked in front of me. A man who has had so many albums hit gold, the media nicknamed him “Rock-Solid.”
“You’re doing amazing work onUrban Dawn.“ He extends his neck to meet my gaze. “Both of you.”
I bite my lip, looking farther upward. “Thank you. And again, I can’t thank you enough for convincing the producers to give me a shot.”
“I got you in the door, but you earned the role. Don’t forget that.” He waggles his finger at me. “And you’re on your way to making it permanent.”
“I’ve got big shoes to fill.”
“You’re a better fit for this role than Zibby was.” Billy scratches Llama’s head. “That’s crystal clear.”
Wow. Why can’t Maddox be more like his father? Unsure of what to say next, I blurt, “I only hope someday I’ll be so good they’ll callme‘Rock Solid.’“ I bark out a laugh.
“That he is.” Skye waggles her eyebrows.
Billy smiles as Llama licks his face. “Too far, babe,” he replies in his throaty, iconic voice.
My eyes dart downward on their own, and I get an eyeful of Billy’s junk. Maddox definitely took after his father.Shit, shit, shit!
My eyes flick back up where they will now stay forever.
“Wait. I thought you were just doing some crystal mumbo jumbo,” Maddox croaks. “You two are athing?”
“We’re not making any relationship-defining declarations.” Skye’s grin extends ear-to-ear. “We’re letting our souls drift where they may. For the moment, their paths have intertwined.”
I’ve heard a lot of woo-woo stuff come out of Skye’s mouth, but this takes the prize.
Billy shoots Skye a dreamy look. “You and me. Like the ebb and flow of the tide.”
They both giggle. Aching with curiosity, I ask, “So, when did this happen?” I go to scratch Dolly and Llama’s heads but retract when I note the proximity of Billy’s goods.
“At one of Vorian-5‘s sessions,” Skye says. “We’d taken each other’s hands and transcended to the astral plane—“
“And our souls connected on Sirius.” Billy gives Skye another gaga glance. “As fellow evolved starlings, our bond was instantaneous.”
“Dad, can we talk for a minute?” Maddox looks constipated.
“Come with me to the water, Son. It’ll ground you.”
When the two are out of earshot, I turn to Skye and say, “So, you two are dating—“