Page 123 of Sovereign
Her cold fingers brush my hair back and turn my head to the side. Her lips press together grimly and she takes off her hat and unwinds her scarf. She rips it in half and begins wrapping thethinner end around my head. Pain twinges as she ties it, pulling it tight.
“I got shot,” I whisper.
Her eyes are full of tears. They’re dripping from her lashes and the tip of her nose. One falls onto my lips and I taste salt.
“Don’t die,” she whispers.
I feel the corner of my mouth turn up. “I won’t leave you, redbird. It’s just a scratch.”
She swallows hard. “You’re going to pass out from blood loss in a minute. You have to stand up and get on Shadownow.”
The urgency in her voice wakes something in me. I know what she’s afraid of. If I pass out, she won’t be able to lift me. I’ll freeze to death while she’s riding back to the house to get help.
My lids flicker.
I see her hand flash and pain explodes across my jaw. Suddenly I’m sitting upright with my eyes wide open. Blood seeps over my tongue and my heart hammers as adrenaline surges back through my veins.
“Fuck…you hit me,” I spit.
“Don’t pretend you don’t like it,” she whispers. “Now get on Shadow. We’re going to the cabin.”
I killed Thomas Garrison and I’m not sorry.
That’s the part that shocks me. I’ve always been sensitive and shooting a man three times should make me crumble.
But I didn’t.
He had it coming.
Yes, I’m terrified. My hand shook so badly I had to shove the gun back into the holster to keep from dropping it.
All I know is he would have shot Gerard, and I was not letting a Garrison take from me again.
Still, I want to vomit or faint, but I can’t. We have to get back to the cabin. My heart pounds as I scramble up to sit in front of Gerard on Shadow. He managed to pull himself into the saddle after I hit him, but he’s pale, and sweat beads on his neck. The entire side of his head is drenched in crimson.
I hope it’s just a flesh wound. I remember once my father told me even minor head wounds bleed the most.
He pulls me back against his chest, his broad arm locking over me. I shift my weight the way I’ve seen him do and Shadow breaks into a smooth walk. He seems to understand he has to becareful. I dig my hands into his mane and narrow my eyes, trying to see through the thickening snow.
It’s almost noon. The snow is falling faster.
I can smell the chill moving in.
It feels like it takes forever, but somehow we get to the cabin. I halt Shadow by the door and I’m about to slide off when I hear hoofbeats. Gerard doesn’t turn to look. I glance over my shoulder and his head has fallen back and his eyes are shut. He’s breathing, but he just keeps getting paler.
I spin around and reach for my gun, but it’s Westin and Jack who appear about the other side of the cabin. Relief washes over me.
“He’s shot,” I manage.
My voice squeaks. I don’t realize until now, but I’m shaking like a leaf in high wind. Jack and Westin both jump from their horses and run to Shadow’s side. Just in time because Gerard sways and slides to the left and right into their arms.
“Fuck, he’s heavy,” Jack grunts.
Gerard mumbles something incoherent. I hate seeing him like this, he’s only ever been strong and in control around me. My stomach twists as I hurry ahead and tap the code into the door, pushing it aside. Westin and Jack haul him inside and lift him onto the countertop. He’s so tall the lower half of his legs hang off the edge.