Page 39 of Sovereign
I shrug, taking a sip of coffee. “I got used to it.”
“Maddie has a whole kitchen staff to help her with that.”
“Garrison Ranch is smaller than Sovereign Mountain.”
He cocks his head, one hand rested on the table. “Still, that’s a lot of free labor your husband got out of you.”
I’d never thought of that before, but yes, he had gotten a lot of free labor out of me. He would have had to pay multiple people a lot of money to do my job. I’d gotten up at five in the morning and worked until eleven at night for free. For the privilege of eating a quick meal over the sink three times a day.
Suddenly, I feel both stupid and incredibly grateful that he’d never tried to get me pregnant.
“I made the best of it,” I say shortly.
“You won’t do any housework here or cooking. Unless you want to, but I prefer you don’t. Maddie rules the kitchen, she’s paid well for it.”
I consider him. Now that my stomach is full and my coffee has hit my veins, I’m thinking more clearly. Last night, I’d fallen asleep open to signing his contract because I’d lost everything. Shock and grief pushed me right into his bed and made me more than willing.
But now that I’ve had time to recover, I’m determined not be taken advantage of again.
“I want to go over the contract sentence by sentence,” I say.
He dips his head.
I draw myself up. He’s three times my size, and he’s got me right where he wants me. Holding me up like a puppet by the strings. But I still have my dignity and my resolve.
“How about tonight?” I say.
His tone is firm. He reaches across the table and touches my elbow. My entire body tingles and the memory of him inside me comes crashing back. Now, in the light of day, I’m not sure why I let him fuck me. Was it this animal magnetism that glowed from him effortlessly? Or just the high of adrenaline?
Whatever it was, it’s hitting me again.
I slept with Gerard Sovereign.
No…Isurvivedsleeping with Gerard Sovereign with nothing more than soreness and a bit of blood in my panties.
He starts eating. Nothing seems to bother him. I finish my food and wait for him to set his clean plate aside. He wipes his hands and sits back, knees spread. He probably can’t cross them properly with what he’s packing.
“Let’s see that contract, redbird,” he says, holding out his palm.
Obediently, I pass it over and he flips it open on the table. It falls to the page where I’ve highlighted a section in yellow. My stomach somersaults as I realize which part it is.
His eyes fall and they flick back up to me.
“No oral?”
I want to squirm in my seat, but I have to behave like an adult. We’re having a very adult conversation and I can’t crack under his steel gaze. His mouth thins and his eyes remain on me, pressing me for an answer.
“I don’t mind giving you oral,” I say. “But I’m…honestly, I don’t really like getting it that much.”
His face doesn’t change. A bit of wavy hair comes free and falls over his forehead. I can’t help but think a haircut would look amazing on him. He needs it short to compliment the brutal cut of his jaw.
“I don’t believe you,” he says.
My jaw drops. “Excuse me? I think I know what I don’t like.”
“Did Clint take your virginity?”