Page 85 of Sovereign
His head cocks. Slowly. I’m on the thinnest of ice.
“What are you going to do? Put a gun inside me? Fuck me until I bleed? You’ve already done both,” I breathe.
His jaw tightens. “I’ve never done anything to you that you haven’t begged for with that sweet, perfect mouth and body.”
I grip his wrist, just below where his hand is wrapped around my throat. His other hand comes up, heading towards my sex, but I slap it. Battering it away.
My pussy aches deep inside, drenched at the feeling of his hand around my throat.
What does it say about me that I want this side of him most of all?
“Don’t fucking deny me,” he says.
That’s when I realize the contract is off for the night. He’s looking at me like he wants to devour me whole, and I know we're off the edge of the map.
Do safewords still count here?
I want him like this…raw and threatening. So I do the stupid thing and lift my gaze to his. Even though I know that when faced with a big, dangerous animal, I should avoid eye contact, drop, and cover myself as best I can.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” I shoot back. “Sir.”
His hand moves between my thighs again and I lash out at his forearm with my nails. Blood wells up in two, short stripes from my pointer and middle fingers.
We both go still with shock as it drips once onto the counter.
“Fucking wildcat,” he breathes.
I’m horrified, but still angry. He’s drawn blood from me before and now we’re even. He pulls me closer by the neck and his bleeding arm slides between us. I cry out as two fingers plunge into my pussy. Filling me with a shock of pleasure and pain.
“Fuck you,” I hiss, arcing my hips.
His eyes flash like a thunderclap. “This is what you want, isn’t it, redbird? You want to make me lose control? Hit me, you dirty little bitch.”
My jaw drops. His words sting, but I don’t know why. His jaw squares and his fingers flick my G-spot hard to remind me who’s really in control. I swear I’m going to come just from being fucked on his hand.
“No, sir,” I burst out.
“Fucking hit me,” he orders.
“Do not use my name when I’m knuckle-deep in your cunt,” he hisses. “Fuck me up, redbird. I’m already so fucked up for you there’s nothing you can do that’ll hurt me.”
I backhand him across the face. The sound is like a whip cracking. I gasp and clench my smarting fist. He freezes, his face slapped to the side, a mark blossoming on his jaw. Then he whips his head around like an animal and lifts me by the neck, pulling me so close I can taste his breath.
Mint and Sovereign.
The slap doesn’t phase him any more than the blood on his arm. I doubt he felt the sting.
“Did you do it?” I gasp.
I can’t believe I let the thought that’s been weighing on my mind out of my mouth.
I have to find a way to backtrack so I don’t have to explain myself.
“Do what?” he says, eyes on my mouth.