Page 91 of Sovereign
More than Sovereign Mountain ever has. The ranch is my fortress, but she is the warmth, the heart, inside.
I nestle her soft ass up against me and exhaustion finally hits my brain. Outside the wind howls and bits of freezing rain bounce off the windows. Beneath the quilt and fur blanket, I’m so deep in her I can feel her heartbeat around my cock. Her scent has gone from something I notice to something so familiar it’s just the air I breathe now.
There’s no going back.
No letting go, no giving up now. We were meant to be like this, I feel it in my bones. I’m certain of one thing. This woman and I were made from the same kind of stardust.
It’s late when I roll over to find her still sleeping. She’s relaxed and her hair covers the pillow in a soft cloud. She has a mark on her throat where I gripped her, a bruise on her knee from the kitchen floor, but otherwise she’s unharmed. Bending, I kiss her thigh. Moving up to kiss just above her clit. I can smell my cum on her pussy and it’s so fucking satisfying.
I slip from the bed, pull on my clothes, and leave the cabin to check the horses.
It snowed, but not heavily enough to impede our trip back.
Bluebell and Shadow are ready to be out of their stalls and they both do several laps around the fence. Kicking up snow and dried grass. I break the ice on their water and toss a bale of hay into their paddock.
She’s awake when I get back inside. Naked and frying eggs on the stove. I linger in the door just to look at her perfect, heart-shaped ass, but she hears me and turns around.
She swallows, her throat bobbing hard. Then she lifts her arms out.
“Hold me,” she whispers. “Please.”
I shed my coat and gather her in my arms, lifting her onto the counter. She buries her face in the cold front of my shirt. I feel her give a shudder and I run my palms down her spine. Soothing her with gentle strokes.
I kiss the top of her head. “I’ve got you, baby girl.”
She pulls back and kisses my mouth and, fuck, she’s sweet. I dart my tongue in between her lips for an extra taste and she moans. Her lids are lowered when I pull back.
She’s still hungry.
“I have something for you,” I say.
Her brows go up. “What?”
“Stay,” I tell her.
She sits still on the counter as I retrieve a small package from my saddlebags. I open it and take the discreet collar out first. It’s a fine silver chain with a matching circle at the center.
She lifts her hands, opening her fingers. Then she flicks her gaze up and pulls back, waiting obediently for me to make the first move.
“What is that?”
“Your day collar,” I say.
Her tongue darts out and wets her lips. “Is the contract…still what you want?”
“Yes,” I say, without hesitating. “I need a place where I can fuck you the way you need fucked without hurting you. If you want to keep it in the bedroom, that’s fine. But I want you collared.”
Her naked breasts heave and her pink nipples contract. I put the discreet collar around her slender throat and click it into place, rotating the latch. If she wants it off, she’ll need a pair of wire cutters. Her fingers come up and touch the little silver ring between her collarbones.
Satisfaction floods my chest. She drops her hand and I touch the chain, playing with it between my finger and thumb.
“How do you feel?” I ask.
I slid my grip loosely over her throat. She looks up at me through her lashes.