Page 28 of Kiss To Tempt
“Is that a euphemism? Because if so, I’ll get out of…”
Quinn laughs. “No, I actually need sugar.” He looks over his shoulder where the door to his apartment is still wide open and yells loud enough so the person inside his apartment can hear: “Somebody wants brownies but doesn’t want to get his ass off the couch to go to the store.”
“Hey, I’m in the middle of a very important thing here,” comes a shout from the apartment. Probably his roommate.
“A very important thing, my ass,” Quinn mutters and shakes his head. “He’s playing a video game. So yeah, if you have some, I promise to make extra and bring them by later.”
My brows shoot up. “You bake?”
“I mean, we have to eat, right?” he shrugs, scratching at the back of his neck.
I just watch him for a moment, because who is this man?
“So, sugar?”
I shake my head, snapping myself out of my thoughts. “Right, sugar. I’ll grab it now; give me a moment.”
With a pointed look in Kiara’s direction, I make my way to the kitchen, where I grab a bag of sugar from the pantry and go back toward the door where Kiara and Quinn are chuckling about something.
“Here you go.”
“Thanks, I really appreciate it.”
“No problem.”
Quinn nods. “I guess I’ll see you later?”
“Later,” I agree.
He takes a step back, his eyes holding onto mine for a heartbeat longer before he turns around and disappears into his apartment.
“Well, now…”
I turn around and press my finger against my best friend’s mouth. “Not another word.”
“You can’t really…”
“Not. Another. Word.”
* * *
“Where are you going?” Nate asks, his attention still on the game he’s playing. You’d think he’d be studying since he chose to stay for summer classes, but no. The idiot spent most of his time playing video games, drinking, and playing ball.
“Taking brownies to Vanessa.”
“Are you now?” Nate pauses the game and turns around with a smirk on his lips. “How come?”
“Because she was kind enough to lend us some sugar since your lazy ass didn’t want to go to the store?”
“You should be thanking me instead of calling me names. When would you find a plausible excuse to go and see her otherwise?”
“You do realize we live across the hall from one another and work at the same place, right?”
Not that either of those helped me in the past, but I was determined to change that. She didn’t give me an answer to my question earlier this week, so I figured I’d give her some time to think about it. I didn’t want her to have any regrets about this. But I also wasn’t about to let her forget she owed me an answer. So yeah, Nate’s laziness might have given me a perfect excuse to knock on her door and remind her that I’m still here—quite literally across the hallway.
Nate lifts his brow. “And how well did that work out for you so far?”