Page 44 of Kiss To Tempt
We both turn around to find Mason leaning against the pool’s edge, smiling at his girlfriend. “Get your sweet ass in here.”
Grace shakes her head but pushes to her feet. “I’ve been summoned.”
“Have fun,” I murmur, watching her leave.
It’s good to see her smile. When Grace first came to the community center, it was hard not to notice the aura of sadness surrounding her. It was like a living, breathing thing. I’ve met a lot of kids dealing with different issues over the years, but this time it was different.
The smile that spreads over Mason’s face as he watches her walk toward him is so big, that it’s almost blinding. I’m glad for both of them, but a part of me can’t help but feel jealous, too. Having a relationship like that is one thing I have always wanted. For a while, I even thought I had it, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.
My gaze darts to Quinn just to see him jump, so he can hit the ball back in the opposite direction. As soon as the ball is flying, he falls down underwater, and when he pops out, his eyes meet mine, and he winks at me before returning his attention back to the game.
My heart does a little flip inside my chest.
This is just a summer fling,I remind myself.That’s all. Just a fling, and before you know it, it’ll be over, so don’t get your hopes up.
Then why did the idea of it make my heart ache?
“Did you even dip your toes into the pool?” I ask, sliding onto the lounge chair next to where Vanessa is lying down, all the glorious golden skin out on display in the late afternoon sun.
“A little bit.” Vanessa shifts, lowering her sunglasses. Those brown eyes staring at mine.
“I don’t think I remembered it,” I say, letting my hand drop on her leg.
“You were otherwise…” I skim my fingers over her skin, caressing the soft flesh. Those long eyelashes flutter, her throat bobbing as she swallows, and goosebumps appear over her skin.
“Busy,” she breathes.
“I think I would have remembered if I saw you in the pool. All wet in that bikini.”
I let my eyes take her in. Damn, she looks good in that tiny ass bikini. I had to do a double-take when I saw her take off her dress when she first got here. Knowing Vanessa, I thought she’d go for something more practical, but I’m glad I was wrong because she looks sexy as hell.
Vanessa’s eyes darken, and I swear I can feel her shudder under my touch. “Quinn…”
“Yeah?” I rasp, my throat growing tighter.
“Your friends are here.”
“You shouldn’t be saying stuff like that.”
I lift my brows, the picture of innocence. “Asking you if you were in the pool?”
Vanessa presses her lips together, but I can still see a trace of a smile in the corner of her mouth. “You know what I mean.”
She tries to pull her leg back, but the only thing it does is make more room on her chair, so I shift my seat, placing her legs on my lap.
“Aren’t you hot?”