Page 8 of Wrong (Wrong 1)
He places a hand on my wrist, stilling me from spinning my phone yet again. "It's going to be fine, Sophie."
"Right." I offer a weak smile. "Thanks." I get in line to get my grandmother the coffee she doesn't really want, and watch Luke walk away.
I'm back in the ER with the coffee for just a few minutes before a doctor enters the curtained room.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm Dr. McElroy and I have the results from the CAT scan. They look good but I still want to keep you overnight for observation. You have a slight concussion and I want to keep an eye on that." She smiles at each of us like concussion-watching is her favorite pastime. "We're going to get you moved up to a room in just a minute. And Mrs. Tisdale, you're welcome to stay the night in Mr. Tisdale's room if you like. The couches open to very comfortable beds if you want to be nearby."
The doctor excuses herself as my phone beeps.
Your grandfather is being moved to a room for the night for observation. Dr. McElroy is an expert in her field & is only admitting him as a precaution. Let me know if you need anything. Luke
I stare at my phone, dumbfounded. This is nice? Creepy? I look up. I feel like I'm being watched. How does he know so much? More importantly, how did he get my phone number?
Dr. McElroy breezes back into the curtained room with an orderly and announces they're ready to move us. I look at her with more interest than before. She's in standard-issue scrubs and a doctor's lab coat, but I can't help but notice how beautiful she is. Huge blue eyes framed by dark lashes so thick I wonder if they're fake. They look real. Her dark glossy hair is cut in a stylish bob. There's not a stray hair out of place.
I find myself wondering if this is the kind of woman Luke goes for. Accomplished. Polished, even in scrubs. My curiosity questions if they've slept together. They work in the same hospital. The staff are always sleeping together, at least on the medical dramas I watch on TV. They could be sleeping together currently for all I know. The thought causes a wave of discomfort to flash through me.
We sat waiting for hours. Then I bumped into Luke and within minutes Dr. McElroy was at our side. Is Luke doing a favor for me? Or is Dr. McElroy doing a favor for Luke?
The orderly is a tiny girl who introduces herself as Kaylee. She doesn't look big enough to maneuver an occupied hospital bed through the halls, but she unlocks the bed wheels with a confident flip of her foot and weaves us out of the ER with an ease that belies her size.
I express my admiration at her strength and she laughs. "I'm a mom," she tells me. "A grown man in a rolling bed is easier than toddlers in a double stroller, trust me."
I laugh and drop back as she works the bed around a tight corner and onto an elevator. She pushes the button for five and chats with my grandmother while I check my phone again. I should reply. Right?
Thank you.
You're welcome, Sophie.
How did you get my number?
Hospital database. You're listed as an emergency contact on your grandfather's file.
That seems like a misuse of the hospital database. And a violation of HIPPO laws.
Damn autocorrect! HIPPA.
I think your admonishment lost its luster at the word hippo.
Yeah. A little.
Can you keep a secret, Sophie?
In general, or yours?
Then it's our secret.
I bite my lip to suppress a smile as I slip the phone into my pocket. Kaylee expertly guides us through the doorway of room 5853 and locks the bed wheels into place before wishing Grandpa a speedy recovery. I stay and get them settled in. More for me than them. I need to know they're okay before I leave.
They tell me they got a good offer on the house and that they've found a couple of places in Islamorada, Florida. It's a village of islands located in the Florida Keys, they tell me. Average highs of eighty-nine degrees, sunny days and clear water for snorkeling. My grandparents are only in their sixties. They’re active and in great shape, they’d love a climate that allowed more time outdoors.
I encourage them to take the offer and go. Don't spend another winter in Pennsylvania when Florida is just a short plane ride away. I think they're finally accepting that I am graduating in the spring and I won't be coming back to live with them.
I text Mike and ask if he can pick me up and drive me back to campus. He agrees, so I give my grandparents one last hug and head to the lobby to wait.
Exiting the elevator when it reaches the lobby, I find it's busier than earlier. I take two steps before I spot Luke. He's standing, hands in pockets, staring right at me. He's talking to another doctor in a white lab coat with a stethoscope draped around his neck.
I falter a moment. Is he waiting for me? Why? I decide I'm not going to interrupt him and keep walking, intending to find a bench out front where I can sit while I wait for Mike to pick me up.
I exit the hospital and I'm hit with a blast of cold air. Maybe I'll wait inside instead. I turn around and head back in, finding Luke's eyes still on me. It's weird. There's nowhere to sit where I can still see the cars pulling up, so I stand in front of the glass windows instead.
"I talked to the lead tech in radiology and Dr. McElroy. His back and neck are fine. They'll just keep him for observation on the concussion."
Luke is right beside me. I have to look up a little to see his face. I'm not usually standing right next to him. He's taller than I thought.
"Thank you. Whoever you talked to, it worked. We finally saw a doctor and he got moved right away." I untie my hoodie from around my waist and slip my arms inside the sleeves.
Luke shrugs, his gaze roaming over my face. "How'd the condoms work out?"
What? I'm stunned. He can't ask me that. I look at him, but he's not backing down in the slightest. He's staring at me like he expects I'll answer him.
"I haven't used them yet." I'm not sure why I'm answering this man. His question is so out of line. Yet I feel compelled to respond to him.
"Are you going to?"
What exactly is he asking me? If I'm planning on having sex? Or if I'm planning on being safe when I have sex?
He's silent now. His jaw ticks.
"You've waited a long time."
"I have." Where is he going with this?
"Is he worth it?" Luke's eyes are dark, yet his expression is curious.