Page 3 of Unbreak My Heart
I glare at her with disdain.“Nothing to catch up on.”My tone is clipped, and I know I am being rude, but this woman tore my heart out and stomped on it for everyone to see.
“Don’t be a prick, Colton,” she hisses, quickly looking around to see if anyone is watching our interaction.
She has always been all about public perception.I pause a moment to take her in.Perfect blonde hair cut to a straight bob, gaunt features, pale skin.She is wearing an all-white pants suit with a thin golden belt around her waist and not for the first time I wonder what happened to the girl I fell in love with.The one who wore cut-off jeans and cowboy boots on our first date.
It took me a while to figure out I wasn’t the reason our marriage failed.Besides the fact that she was sleeping with my best friend behind my back, the reason our marriage failed is that she changed, she wasn’t happy just being a small-town girl married to a small-town boy.She wanted more.
“I thought you moved to New York,” I say.
“Benjamin’s mother broke her hip.We are here helping out.”She says this like she deserves some kind of award, and I can’t help but snort.
“Good luck with that.”
The line moves forward, and I quickly unpack my cart, hoping to all that is holy that she will back off and leave me the fuck alone.
“We should get together.Catch up,” she smiles that fake smile she perfected in the last year of our dying marriage.“You, me, and Benny.Just like old times.”
I turn around and scowl at her.“Are you fucking insane?Do you really think I am going to have dinner with my ex-wife and the man she cheated on me with?”Sasha pales.“Grow the fuck up and leave me alone.I’ve been done with you for years, take the damn hint.”
She huffs and turns on her heel before stomping away.The pimply teenager ringing up my purchases holds out his fist toward me.“She’s a total bitch.Everyone knows it.”
With a smile, I childishly bump my fist against his before heading outside and loading my shopping into the bed of my blue Ford pickup truck.Thank God this day is over.Now all I want is a cold beer, a bloody steak, and some peace and quiet.
* * *
Three days after my run-in with Colton at the supermarket I find him standing in front of my counter as I round the corner from the back.My new assistant, Darla — yes, I gave in and hired someone — is flirting up a storm.
“Darla,” I call to grab her attention.“Please take this out to Paisley’s car.She’s waiting.”
I hand her the lavender-colored box filled with dark chocolate cupcakes and watch as she walks out.
“You work here?”Colton asks by way of greeting.
“It’s my bakery,” I say with a wide smile, pride infused in every word.
He makes a sound of approval in the back of his throat.“One of the guys brought in croissants yesterday and I thought I died and went to heaven.”
I blush at his praise.I’ve never been very good at taking a compliment but hearing he likes my sweets is the best compliment ever.
“Do you still have that sweet tooth?”I ask trying to act cool but probably failing miserably.
Colton nods while staring at some of the items I have on display and licking his lips.He could be here forever and still not be able to decide which one he wants.
“Wait here.I’ll be right back,” I say before slipping back into the kitchen.
I quickly pack him a box he can take with him, stuffing it with everything I know he will like.Salted caramel macarons, a death-by-chocolate cupcake, some giant chocolate chip cookies, and a slice of black cherry bourbon pie.
“Here you go,” I hand him the box.He stares at me in confusion.“You’ll never be able to just pick one, and we both know it.I just put together a couple of my favorites.”
“You didn’t have to—”
But I cut him off with my hand in the air.“I know that.I wanted to do it.I like when people enjoy what I have made, and I know you will enjoy these.”
“You’re the best,” Colton smiles before leaning over the counter and placing a kiss on my cheek.
“What the hell is going on here?”