Page 20 of Chase the Storm
Griffin’s looks alone would have been enough for anyone to be captivated by him. But from what I had seen, he was more than just something good to look at. He was kind and generous.
He’d walked over to talk to me this morning because he’d recalled meeting me yesterday. He’d offered to use his shovel and help me dig my car out, in addition to extending an invitation to learn how to snowboard.
It didn’t matter that I’d never take him up on it. He’d been kind enough to do it.
And it was likely that just about any single woman would take Griffin up on his offer. Unfortunately, I wasn’t one of them.
I couldn’t.
How ridiculous would it have been for me to come to the resort intent on getting a job to start rebuilding my life, only to wind up getting caught up in another man?
No way.
I wasn’t going to do that again. I refused to be blinded by his good looks or charming personality.
But in being able to recognize that I deserved better than I had been giving myself for the last few years, and certainly better than I’d been experiencing over the last few months, I vowed to bring a bit of positivity into my life today.
Noting that the lodge was growing a bit busier, I realized it was approaching lunchtime. I figured I’d take advantage of the lull in the snowfall, give up the seat I’d been occupying since yesterday, and get some fresh air while doing something I enjoyed.
So, I pulled my camera out of my backpack, threw my jacket back on, and walked outside.
The scenery was gorgeous—Blue Spruce Ski Resort had some impeccable views—and since I had nothing else to do, I was going to try to put some of what I’d learned in my photography class to good use.
If there was one good thing that had come from my foolish decision to leave my former job, throw caution to the wind, and help Travis in his endeavor to run a successful business, it was finally taking the photography classes I’d been saving for, for so long.
The next thing I knew, it felt as though a massive weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Ever since things fell apart with Travis and we both lost just about everything, I hadn’t felt the urge or desire to do much besides survive. While that was still at the very forefront of my mind, in this situation, there wasn’t much else I could do about it right now besides wait and hope I got that call about the job.
For now, I was enjoying being able to let go of everything that had been weighing me down for the better part of the last year and do something that made me happy. I wasn’t even bothered by the cold.
This had been the first opportunity I had to be able to capture something so beautiful since I’d taken the classes, and I was excited to see how the photos turned out when I imported them to my computer and could see them on a larger screen.
I was enjoying myself so much, I didn’t keep track of the time. The next thing I knew, I heard a voice that was becoming more and more familiar approaching me from behind. “I hadn’t expected to see this.”
Lowering my camera from in front of my face, I turned around and saw Griffin moving in my direction with a smile on his face. Given how happy I’d been feeling and mixing that with the look on his face, it was impossible not to smile back at him.
“Hi, Griffin. How was snowboarding?” I asked, shocked that I dared to show interest.
Something pleasant washed over his face. “Great. It was actually a lot of fun that I lost track of time. But eventually the hunger pangs kicked in, so I decided to make my way back here to grab something to eat. I didn’t know you were a photographer.”
I shook my head. “I’m not. I just… it’s something I love doing. I want to become a professional photographer one day, but I’m not quite there yet.”
“What kind of photography do you want to do? Do you have an area of expertise or interest?” he questioned me.
“Not yet. I don’t think I’ve had enough time to really figure that out yet,” I confessed.
He nodded his understanding and allowed his eyes to roam over my face as he assessed me. “Have you been out here for a while?”
I glanced around, because I honestly had no idea. “I’m not quite sure exactly how long, but I’ve taken quite a few shots since I walked out of the lodge. Why do you ask?”
“The tip of your nose and your cheeks are red, so you look cold,” he replied.
Before he’d made mention of it, I hadn’t noticed it. But the moment he pointed it out, and I lifted my gloved hand to my nose, I couldn’t ignore it. I was cold.
“I didn’t exactly prepare for being stuck here, so I’m just working with what I’ve got,” I explained.
He thought for a moment and asked, “Have you had lunch yet? Would you like to go inside, warm up, and eat together? I’d love some company.”