Page 68 of Chase the Storm
It was such a strange and frustrating feeling, because the two of us were at such different point in our lives.
I used to love traveling all over the West Coast to wherever the predictions from weather authorities said the biggest amounts of snowfall could be expected. I couldn’t say I didn’t like it at all anymore. I did.
But now that I’d met her, I had to admit I could have been completely content to spend all day, every day, with her.
And that was my problem.
No matter how badly I wanted what I wanted, I couldn’t have it. I couldn’t be selfish.
Indy needed time.
She was busy trying to sort out her life, and I had to give her the space to do it.
But because it was becoming too tempting to just drive to the Blue Spruce Ski Resort to see her, I realized I had to do something to put actual space and distance between us. I’d convinced myself this was the smartest decision.
I was wrong.
Or maybe I wasn’t completely wrong.
I had no doubt this was precisely what Indy deserved from me, but I hated it.
And as more and more time passed, I found myself less and less interested in hopping on my board to go riding.
It seemed crazy to be this consumed with a woman so quickly, and yet, that didn’t bother me. Maybe reality was starting to set in for me. I wasn’t getting any younger, and I had made it clear to Indy I was getting to a point where I could see myself settling down soon.
But I’d promised her that we’d take the time to make sure this was what we both wanted. That was the smart, responsible thing to do. It was what was necessary, especially for her, to be sure we weren’t rushing things.
It was easy to think everything was perfect between us when we had been stranded at the resort together. It was new, exciting, and fun. Of course, it was going to feel like we were who we’d been waiting for all our lives.
While I believed it was possible for me to be so certain so quickly, I didn’t doubt Indy still had some reservations. Obviously, she enjoyed spending time with me. I didn’t question that. But she’d been burned by her ex, so I wanted her to have the time she needed to get to where I was—feeling miserable without her around me.
Knowing I wasn’t going to enjoy spending another minute riding on this mountain, I started traversing the mountain to make it back to the trail that would ultimately get me the closest to where I’d parked my camper.
Ten minutes later, I’d gotten there.
Thirty minutes after I’d arrived back at the camper, I had everything packed up and was back on the road to Colorado.
And throughout the entire ride there, I continued to ask myself how I was going to survive going back to Hawaii without Indy if I couldn’t even go a week without feeling like I was lost.
Sadly, despite how many hours I spent driving alone in the silence, I didn’t come up with any answers.
“Where are we going?”
I was so excited; I was practically bouncing right out of my seat.
Griffin reached for my hand, interlaced his fingers with mine, and answered, “You’ll see as soon as we get there. We’re only a few minutes away.”
This had become the norm for us.
Over the weeks that had passed since I moved into my own place and Griffin wound up needing to drive away from the Blue Spruce Ski Resort, we’d had weekly date nights. Generally, we saved all the fun for the weekends, because I only worked one weekend a month.
Of course, that didn’t mean Griffin never visited during the week. While it wasn’t every night, my guy typically visited me at least once during the week. Admittedly, those days were my favorites. I wasn’t quite sure if the reason for that was because they reminded me so much of how it was when we first got together when we were both stranded at the resort or if it was because I simply enjoyed having quiet nights in with Griffin where we’d just cuddle, watch movies, talk, kiss, eat, and make love.
It was likely a combination of the two.