Page 71 of Chase the Storm
Griffin had some commitments with surfing this year that wouldn’t allow him to come back to visit for quite some time. Or, if he could, the visits would be for a matter of only a day or two. It just wasn’t practical or smart, considering he’d then need to deal with jetlag when he really needed to be focused on surfing.
And while I had a couple of days of sick time, I didn’t have any vacation time. After working for six months for the resort, I’d get vacation time.
So, we had to wait until August to see each other.
Roughly four months.
We had exactly one hundred and twenty-five days until we’d be able to be in one another’s arms again. Until we could kiss again.
There was no other way to put it.
This was the cruelest form of torture. It was especially that because I was being separated from the man I loved, and I hadn’t even found a way to tell him the words yet. I should have, of course, but I was afraid.
What if this separation did the very thing it had the power to do? What if it pulled us so far apart, not just in distance, but in our hearts, too? What if Griffin realized he didn’t like the separation?
There were so many unanswered questions, and all the speculation just caused more fear and worry to creep in.
Griffin pressed a kiss against my forehead, allowing his lips to linger for a bit. I could feel the torment radiating off of him. Griffin was trying his best to be strong—not breaking down into tears like me—but there was no question he was struggling, too.
“I know it feels like it’s so far away, but it’ll be here before you know it,” he assured me. Judging by the tone of his voice, I was certain that even Griffin didn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. “We’ll talk every day.”
We would.
I knew we would.
It still wouldn’t feel like enough.
I took in the look on his face, felt my heart break just a little bit more, and buried my face in his chest again. “I’m going to miss you so much.”
“I know. I’m going to miss you, too. We’re going to get through this, Indy. I promise you that.”
God, I hoped he was right, because from where I was, I didn’t think I was going to make it to tomorrow.
I didn’t respond with words. There were no other words to say that Griffin hadn’t already heard. So, I burrowed my body closer to his and held on tight again.
Griffin allowed me to do that for a while, holding me back just as firmly in his own embrace for a long time.
But eventually, he started to loosen his hold on me. “I have to go if I’m going to catch my flight.”
Looking up at him, I suggested, “You could miss it. People do that all the time.”
He laughed. “Not intentionally, I don’t think. And the truth is that it’s only going to make this more and more difficult. Trust me, sugar, I’ve considered it already. But there’s no amount of finite time that’ll make this easier.”
I nodded, completely understanding him. “I know.”
“We’ll be okay, Indy,” he promised.
“I know,” I replied, even if it felt like a lie.
“Kiss me.”
I had no reservations about that, so I gave Griffin what he wanted. I lifted my mouth to his and kissed him, my lips parting and allowing his tongue to sweep inside. The two of us poured everything we had into the kiss, and I did what I could to ingrain every part of it to my memory, hoping I’d still remember just how wonderful it felt days or weeks from now.
When Griffin begrudgingly tore his mouth from mine, his voice was husky when he said, “I have to go.”
I didn’t want to make this any harder on him than it already was, so I nodded. “Will you call me when you land?”