Page 16 of Kate & Hudson
Oh fuck, my head hurts. My eyelids feel like they weigh a million pounds each and my mouth feels like I’ve been eating dirt for a week. I roll over and my stomach almost revolts. What the hell did I do to myself last night? I didn’t even get undressed. Ugh. I know better than to drink so much. I’m not a drinker.
I fall back to sleep, but it is restless, and I wake myself up again. Wilbur needs to go out and I should start pounding aspirin before my head explodes. I start to sit up in bed and immediately realize that was a bad idea. Grabbing my head, I fall back on the bed. “Ugh. This sucks.”
That’s when I realize I’m not alone. Someone’s in my kitchen… cooking. I look at the other side of my bed and see that it’s been slept in. “Fuck!” I whisper to myself. “What did you do, Kate?”
“You passed out on the way home. You did nothing embarrassing. Well, your dancing needs help, but other than that, you only slept last night.” Hudson Taylor, the firefighter from the station and the guy I vaguely remember arguing with last night, stands at the opening to my bedroom with a tray of food. “I made you some toast. I don’t think you’ll be able to hold anything more down right now.”
I watch him walk around my bed with a plate of toast and a giant glass of water as if he’s been here a thousand times.
“Here. Drink this entire glass. I put some aspirin next to your toast.” He hands me the glass of water.
I drink it down like I’m stranded in the desert. “Thank you.” I hand the glass back to him.
“You’re welcome. I’m going to go fill this up again.” He raises the glass and points to the toast. “Eat up. Need to soak up all the tequila you drank.”
My eyes follow him out of my room, and I take inventory. What the hell happened last night? How did he end up in my house? How did I get home? Where’s Grace? Where’s Wilbur? I’m still wearing my dress, but the zipper is halfway down. My panties are still on. That’s a good sign.
I sit up as he comes back into the room with another full glass of water. “Here.” He hands me the glass. “How’s your head?”
“Everything hurts.”
He nods and walks around to the other side of the bed and climbs in and leans back with his phone.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting comfortable. Do you need something?” He asks.
I watch him scroll through his phone, leaning back on my decorative pillows.
My head hurts so much that I need to take the aspirin and then I can deal with this situation. I turn to the plate of toast and fish out the white pills and swallow them down with half the glass of water.
“Why don’t you go take a shower? You’ll feel much better.” He suggests without looking away from his phone screen.
I want to fight him on this, but I just don’t have the energy. Standing up slowly, I take my toast and ease my way into the bathroom.
It took forty-five minutes for me to use the facilities and shower. I had to go so slowly as to not get sick. But once I finished, Hudson was right, I do feel better.
I open the bathroom door and find another glass of water waiting for me on the counter. Drinking the water, I go to find my intruder and locate him on my back patio with his feet up on the railing of my deck. He’s made himself right at home, hasn’t he.
He looks up at me and I don’t know if it’s because I’m hung over or what, but my stomach fills with butterflies and I find I’m embarrassed of my behavior last night… no matter what I did. “Thanks.” I hold the glass of water up.
“You’re welcome.”
I sit down in the patio chair across from him and just sit there quietly drinking my water. Finally, I can’t stand the quiet anymore. “Where’s Wilbur?”
“Wilbur? You mean the goose?”
I smile, “Yeah. My goose. Wilbur.”
“Wilbur. I like that name better than ‘Goose’ which is what I’ve been calling him since he attacked me when I was carrying you inside last night.”
“Oh shit. You carried me?” I drop my head into my hands.
He looks confused, “Yeah. Why?”