Page 95 of Kate & Hudson
The property where my shop was is on the market. Currently, my real estate agent is in talks with the seller and I’m hoping to just buy the property outright and set up a bigger shop and include my wedding cakes, too. I’ve got the insurance money and the donations to help me fund it.
When everyone heard about what happened, the donations started pouring in from around the country. There’s over a million dollars in that account Grace set up for me. Plus, my attorney says we can sue my old landlord’s insurance company. We’ll see.
I’m pulling my new SUV into the parking lot of a little house that seems to have been converted into a therapist's office. There are two other vehicles parked here. One is a BMW, and the other is a blue Jeep. If I didn’t get this SUV, a Jeep was my next choice.
Dr. Baker was able to take me sooner than any other therapist in the area and she comes highly recommended for trauma therapy by Reid. I had to drive to her office in West Palm Beach, but I’m willing to do what it takes to get mentally healthy.
I’m walking up the pathway to the front door when two women come out and almost knock me back with the swinging door.
“Oh, sorry. Didn’t see you there.” The blonde says to me.
“Piper, you’re so clumsy.” The brunette says to her friend and then turns to me. “Are you okay? Did we hit you?”
“Olivia. I am not clumsy; I just didn’t see her there.”
“I’m okay. Really.” I assure them both.
“You’re like a bull in a china shop.” The brunette, Olivia I guess her name is, says to her friend, Piper.
“Am not.”
“Are to.”
“Are you sure I didn’t get you?” Piper asks me.
“Yeah. I’m sure.” I open the door to walk into the office.
“Hey Piper. I’ll catch up to you.” Olivia calls to her friend and follows me into the office.
The door closes behind us and we’re in a waiting room with a fish tank and a few chairs and one blue couch.
“Hey listen. I can recognize a fellow trauma victim a mile away. Is this your first-time seeing Dr. Baker?”
I nod.
“Well, when you first arrive, just flick this light switch here. It lets her know she has someone in the waiting room. Also, when you go in there, sit on the brown couch. It’s more comfortable than the other seating.”
“Okay… thank you” Who the hell is this person?
As she starts to walk out the door we just came in, she turns to me. “One more thing. Dr. Baker is the best in the business. If she can get me and Piper through hell and back… she’ll help you, too.”
The look in Olivia’s eyes tells me she has been through some kind of hell, too. Maybe not what I’ve been through, but now that I really look at her, I can see what she’s talking about when she said she can spot another trauma victim from a mile away. She’s been through it. And here she stands, smiling and laughing with her friend. There’s hope.
“You’re in good hands.”
“Thanks.” I watch her walk out the door. I turn around and flip the switch into the on position and sit down in a chair.
“Hello. I’m Dr. Baker. You must be Kate. Come on in and let’s chat for a while.” A woman in her late forties with long, brown hair says to me from the doorway.
I follow her into the office, and she closes the door behind me.
“Have a seat anywhere you like.”
“I hear the brown couch is the most comfortable.” I take a seat.
Dr. Baker laughs, “I see you ran into Oliva and Piper on your way in.”
“Yes.” I smile at her.