Page 67 of Lost Boy
“I’ve seen countless addicts since I started using. But that girl … she’s stuck with me.” I shrug. “I don’t know why.”
Kobra leans forward, patting my hand with his. “Sounds to me like, one day, you might make a good counselor yourself,Cade, because you clearly care about others, and you can help them, because you’ve been in their shoes.”
I give him the look. It’s the look I use when I’m done sharing and I want everyone’s gaze off of me. He understands it, giving me a small smile before nodding his head. And then he moves on to the next person. I don’t hear the person speaking because my mind is a thousand miles away.
All I can think about is that girl. And I wonder if it is too late for her. If that light in her eyes has gone out or if it still flickers.
After getting a call from Kat, I move nervously around the house and prepare to meet them at Cade’s rehab a few hours away.
She spoke with his counselor regarding the baby, and he worried that if we waited to drop the bomb, Cade would feel betrayed since we kept it from him. He also worried that the news would be too much for Cade right when he should be getting back into the real world. That it would almost set him up for a chance to fail. Which is the last thing I want.
He has two weeks left now, so if we tell him today, Buck figures that will give him two weeks in the comfort of the rehab to get acclimated to the idea of becoming a dad. Rather than shocking his system the day he gets home.
I’m scared, and Hunter must sense it because when I slide my shoes on, he walks down the stairs and does the same.
“I’ll drive you, okay?” He pulls me into his side for a half-hug—and my brother and I aren’t thehugging siblingstype.
“You don’t have to do that, Hunter,” I say, assuring him. “I’m sure you’re tired.”
He had an away game last night and didn’t get home till quite late. I know he has to be exhausted.
“I’m fine. We’ll take my truck.” He grins. “You think I’d let you drive two hours each way to break the pregnancy news to your… baby daddy?” He shakes his head. “No chance in hell, Hales.”
“You’re too thoughtful, big bro. Are we sure you came from our parents?” I give him a funny look, scratching my chin. “Nah, definitely a stork.”
Our parents are good parents and all, but they aren’t the type that would interrupt their own schedules to run their kids around like Hunter is doing right now. No, they’d probably just pay someone to do it instead.
I follow him outside, and we walk toward his truck, where he instantly opens my door. Because that’s my brother for you. The politest dude on the planet.
When he gets in, he glances at me. “Have you talked to them much? Since you told them the news?”
When I went home for Christmas, I told my parents I was pregnant. My mom cried. My dad paled before he scrubbed his hand across his face. I know I broke their hearts that day. What a Christmas present that was. But I guess I couldn’t blame them.
“They’ve texted a little and a few phone calls,” I mutter. “It’ll take some time for them to wrap their head around it all.”
“Yeah,” he mumbles.
“Yeah,” I echo back.
And then we’re quiet. And I’m thankful for the silence as I prepare what the hell I’m going to say when I see Cade.
Or worse, when he sees me.
I let the words sink in, but I don’t really retain them. Buck and my parents just explained that Haley is here. As in outside. Right now.
“Wait. She’s here? Like, here at this rehab? And not to check herself in as a patient, but to actually see me?” I frown, looking at my parents before shifting my gaze to Buck. “Why is she here now?”
It’s not that I don’t want to see her. Of course I want to see her. But seeing her will make me want to pull her against me and bury my face in her neck. And after that, I’ll want to kiss her, which goes against theno romanceshit I’m striving to do. And after I kiss her … forget it. Everyone might as well leave the room right then.
When it comes to Haley, I have little to no restraint.
I am so confused. Why would they choose to have Haley visit now—two weeks before I’m leaving this place? It makes no sense at all.