Page 19 of Dario
His eyes widened. “The man.”
I nodded and took his hand even though I shouldn’t. This threat had rattled me more than it should have. The ridiculous fact was if he had been killed, it would have made no difference to me or my plans because we were already married. The stipulations of the will were already fulfilled. I was the Don, or Boss as I preferred. Only my death would change that, and that was a fact I already lived with every day.
“I have to go downstairs to the reception,” I answered, not the answer he had been looking for, but I wasn’t ready to discuss betrayal with him.
He nodded. “I don’t think I can stand.”
I leaned over and brushed my lips over his, pulling back before I could question the instinct. “I will say you are resting.” I shrugged. “They will all be too drunk soon on the free booze to remember you didn’t show.” Besides, I had to see my capos. This shit needed pulling together. Hugo would be kept on ice until after this.
I knew I needed to let Gianni have time to dig into Hugo electronically before then. There was also the matter of Clarice. I swore again at my carelessness, and left Alessandro as his eyes started to close. Letting myself into the main room, both Nonna and Imelda were together. Imelda stood. I eyed her. “You work for Renaldo.”
She nodded. “I was going to school, but...” And I remembered. Imelda was the daughter of Florenze Rigotti. Florenze had been the daughter of a close friend of Nonna’s before she had died of cancer. Imelda’s brother Mario was one of Lucio’s trainees, which meant if Lucio approved of him, then Imelda would also pass his test. I didn’t know why she was no longer in school, but that was convenient.
“You no longer work for Renaldo, you work for me, and whatever he was paying you I will double.” I watched as her eyes widened. “I want you to be with Alessandro as needed. Youobviously have talent with styling, and I am sure what else you need can be learned.” It didn’t matter that Imelda was female. Alessandro needed a friend. I caught the smiles, not only from her, but Nonna as well, and pleased I had made the right choice, I turned to Lucio. “Is Alvize here?”
I wouldn’t make the mistake of leaving Alessandro unprotected again, even if he should be secure up here.
He nodded and gestured to my office. I walked in and the older man slouched by the wall, straightened. I took my time, not bothering to sit, and studied him intently. I knew he was forty-three. He looked older, but miraculously even with the drinking, his fitness and reactions still outstripped a twenty-year-old. I’d checked.
“I need a dedicated bodyguard for my husband.” He didn’t reply but I guessed that hadn’t been a question. I leaned forward. “I need asoberdedicated bodyguard to protect my most precious possession.”
Maybe valuable would have been a better word. Precious made me sound soft, and I couldn’t afford that. His eyes, posture, facial expression never changed.
“I can do that,” was all he said.
“Can you?” I challenged.
He didn’t drop his gaze and I wasn’t sure whether to admire him or be concerned. Lucio let himself into the room. I knew why Alvize drank. He’d been special forces and he’d screwed up. I didn’t know exactly why, and that didn’t matter, but it had gotten his entire team killed. He’d disappeared into a bottle after that.
“Yes, sir,” he answered still as quiet as before. “I know you don’t trust me, but you’re shit out of options.”
I barked out a surprised laugh, but sobered just as quickly. “I’m never out of options.”
He inclined his head. “Neither am I, but in this, our options lead to the same place.”
“Second chances?” I scoffed.
“If you like,” he allowed his jaw moving like it hated every concession. “But more importantly it’s about regaining respect. For me,” he added.
“From whom?” I countered.
“Myself,” he answered coolly.
I still wasn’t a hundred percent convinced but Hugo’s betrayal had sickened me. Gianni would hesitate before he pulled a trigger, and I needed Lucio with me. Not for protection, but because he was my sounding board.
“Has Lucio filled you in?” He nodded. “Good,” I responded. I took another step forward and to his credit he didn’t take one back. “Then I want to make this clear. If Alessandro comes to any harm while you are supposed to be keeping him safe, if anyone gets as close as they did today, I will end you. And I won’t do it quick. I’ll do it so every second you want to die. Every second you wish you were dead, you will remember this promise. And every second after that you’ll wish I lied.” I let a beat go by. “Is that clear?”
He nodded once. “Understood.”
I had made threats many times in the last ten years. Some worse than others. This one though, I had the feeling it had been heard and understood.
Alessandro’s life depended on it.
Iopened my eyes as the door closed and tried to wake up my brain. What had happened? I remembered crossing a small courtyard. Yes, the church. We were on our way to the church. Dario was with me. I closed my eyes and shook my head a little, then opened them to realize I had an IV line connected to my arm. I followed the tubing in astonishment to the bag suspended on a pole standing next to the bed.