Page 55 of Dario
“Fuck,” I whispered in complete horror. A brother? "A brother?" I whispered. And I remembered the priest. Whatever he'd told Alessandro had made him so terrified he was sick. "I thought whatever the priest said was some sort of threat, butwhat if it was something to do with this?" I tapped the screen, then enlarged it. Alessandro's face was frozen in shock. He hadn't known.
"Blackmail?" Lucio asked.
"Or extortion, fuck." Nonna was right. I was an utter fool, and because I hadn’t trusted Alessandro from day one, I’d set him up for my enemies to take full advantage.
I was silent a moment, as were Gia and the other two. Then I looked over at Lucio. “Where’s Elisabetta and Sofia right now?”
Because I remembered the look on Elisabetta’s face when I’d stormed into Rocco’s study and found the girl on her knees. I hadn’t cared at the time, but there’d been something in those eyes before it was hidden.
“Just let me check the cams,” Gia said, and I heard clicking. “They just got home.”
“Good,” I said softly. “I think it’s time I paid a visit and broke the news of Rocco’s death.”
Iwasn’t sure if Elisabetta was shocked at my appearance or not, considering the last time we had met. But I graciously accepted the coffee I was offered. I tried to look uncomfortable when a pale but definitely put-together Sofia let herself into the room, then pretended to be shocked to see me. Her hand went to her throat in a performance worthy of an Oscar, and she immediately apologized for intruding and turned to leave.
“Actually, Sofia, I need to see you both, as I am afraid I have some distressing news.” Sofia’s eyes widened dramatically, but Elisabetta remained unmoved. I knew they were both aware of Rocco’s death, as that was the reason—I assumed—for the plans that necessitated the boat pick-up to change. Lucio and I were convinced Alessandro would have somehow disappeared from the luncheon Sofia had planned, but Rocco’s death and the discovery of La Caterina had brought everything forward.
They had panicked, and I was hoping to make them panic some more. “It pains me to say that my uncle was gunned downlate last night following a standoff with men, who I assume were from a rival family.”
Sofia let out a dramatic gasp and collapsed onto the sofa, but I ignored her. All my attention was on her mother. “I assure you, finding his killers and dealing with them will be my first order of business, and I won’t rest until that is complete.” I hesitated and took a sip of my coffee, letting it sink in. I wasn’t in a hurry to deliver the news and rush away.
“Mamma,” Sofia said and moved to take her mother’s hand. “What will we do?”
Really, the woman had missed her calling. Broadway would have been an excellent career for her.
“It goes without saying that the family will see to your comfort,” I assured them. “I have already ordered my accountant to continue the upkeep of all my uncle’s assets, and I will, of course, ensure you have an allowance as well as any personal funds my uncle had.”
I saw a flicker of something in my aunt’s eyes. Good, she knew I’d basically ordered an audit of all my uncle’s affairs, and that included La Caterina. I didn’t know if she knew about the auctions, but I intended to find out.
“Of course,” Elisabetta whispered, “in my husband’s line of work, this was something I feared every day. I had hoped now that he was retiring, we might have a little more time.” She raised a shaky hand to her lips and Sofia very thoughtfully passed her a tissue.
“However,” she said, clearing her throat. “I am grateful you have come to break the news yourself, and I’m sorry this will take you away from your…new personal situation.”
I didn’t react. I supposed a personal situation was one way to describe a marriage.
Sofia pressed a tissue to her mouth and turned away, her shoulders shaking. I sighed a little. I couldn’t be dramatic, asthey knew I would never let my emotions show, but I could be regretful.
“I regret if my marriage has caused any distress on top of this sad news.”
“La famiglia,”Elisabetta shrugged a little, and that was probably the most sincere thing I’d ever heard her say. Because yes,la famigliaalways came first.
I focused on Sofia. “And as the new head of the family, I will, of course, make sure that any marriage prospects you may have are suitably vetted.” I faked a wince. “I imagine there has been quite a line of suitors once everyone discovered we had broken our engagement.” Which was a polite way of putting it.
Elisabetta seemed to realize she was talking to the new Don, or she was trying to save face, either way. “We would be happy to receive the both of you to supper once the arrangements for my husband…” she trailed off and cleared her throat. “How is Alessandro? His mother was a favorite companion of mine for a lot of years before she became ill.”
They had to know that Alessandro had escaped and, apart from the blatant lie about his mamma, I knew Elisabetta was fishing.
I stood and made a show of going to Rocco’s drinks cabinet. “Do you mind?” I waved a hand.
“Of course not, Dario. Our home is yours, as you know.”
Literally. Becausela famigliapaid for it, but now wasn’t the time for that. “Perhaps?” I waved the brandy.
Elisabetta shook her head. Sofia’s stayed buried in her tissue. I helped myself and made it look like I needed it. I had to be careful not to overplay my hand. “I remember many happy times in this house after Papà died,” I lied and gazed at Elisabetta. “And I will always be grateful for that. I regret our association worked out as it did. I shot a look to Sofia and made sure Elisabetta caught it and watched her eyes narrow speculatively.