Page 10 of Laura's Safe Haven
The crack in her voice constricted his chest. “I don’t know why this happened. You don’t deserve it. But you have an entire town of people who love you and want the best for you. We’ll all stand with you until we get to the bottom of this.”
She hung her head, unmoved.
“Do you feel unsafe working for Mountaintop Construction?” He held his breath waiting for an answer. As much as he’d fought against the idea of her working for him and Matthew, the thought of her not coming back the next day was more upsetting than it should be.
She chewed her bottom lip, gaze still focused ahead. “I want to say no. I really need the job. But sitting in that reception area all by myself will make me nervous. I’m not sure I can do it.”
“I understand. What if there’s a way to keep working for us without being alone? Without feeling exposed or vulnerable?”
She finally looked at him, brows raised.
Great. Now he had to come up with an idea quick that didn’t involve him being chained to her side for the foreseeable future. Not like that sounded all bad.
Dammit, focus.
“What if I talk to Mrs. Collins about setting you up at the food pantry? You can work from there and never have to be alone. I’llbe spending most of my time there soon anyway, and even when I’m not around, you’ll never be by yourself.”
She tilted her head to the side like an interested puppy. “How can I do work for the construction company at the pantry?”
“Most of what we need you to do can be done on the computer. You can do it anywhere, really. And if I’m onsite, you can help me whenever I have issues Matthew usually deals with. Managing employees, being the point person in charge of speaking with Mrs. Collins about project updates, even helping with design plans if that’s something you’re interested in.”
Finally, her eyes lit. “You’d let me do all that?”
He shrugged. “Why not?”
A deep frown suddenly erased all her joy. “Will my being there put Mrs. Collins and the other volunteers at risk?”
“At this point, we don’t know why the break-in occurred. It might not have anything to do with you. But I’ll be transparent with Mrs. Collins and make sure she’s comfortable with everything.”
“That sounds perfect.” Her last word was interrupted by a yawn. “Sorry, it’s been a long day.”
He smiled. “No apologies necessary. Besides, it’s getting late. You should get to sleep. Will you be all right here alone?”
“Yes. Deputy Wells is having the area patrolled throughout the night and I’ll lock up behind you. I’ll keep my pepper spray and phone by my bed just in case.”
A subtle tug of disappointment weighed down his gut. He ignored it and stood. “I’ll get out of your hair then. You have my number, right?”
She nodded.
“Call if you need anything. No matter the issue or time.”
She offered the tiniest glimpse of a smile. “Okay. And thanks for dinner.”
“Anytime.” He shoved his hands in the pockets of his trousers so he wouldn’t do anything stupid then dipped his chin before heading to the door. “I’ll wait on the porch to make sure you lock up before I leave.”
She jumped to her feet and hurried behind him. “Good idea. You’ve been great all night. Seriously. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
He hesitated in the doorway for a beat, unable to tear himself from her. She was so close, her warm breath skimmed his cheek. All he had to do was lean down and brush his lips to hers. It’d be so easy, so simple, so….
She rested a hand on her barely-there baby bump and snapped him back to the moment. The last thing she needed was someone making inappropriate advances when she was in a vulnerable situation. Especially not him.
Never him.
Clearing his throat, he stepped into the night. Stars twinkled above him, the outline of the mountains a mere shadow between towering maples and full evergreens. He listened for the click of the locks then hustled to his truck parked in front of her house.
With his nerves zipping with enough energy to power the entire town, he hopped into the driver’s seat and stared at the little house nestled amongst the row of old homes. The living room light clicked off.
Good, she was going to bed.