Page 13 of Laura's Safe Haven
He struggled to find the words to explain how using his hands to build something pure and good had transformed him after returning from the military to civilian life. Speaking about the nightmare he’d walked through wasn’t easy for him—hell, he’d never even spoken with Matthew about the part he’d played in the deaths of his brothers in arms. How could he explain it to Laura without sharing too much—without exposing secrets he planned to take to his deathbed?
A gentle touch on his arm broke through his darkening thoughts. “You don’t have to tell me anything you’re not comfortable sharing.”
The quiet compassion in her voice softened his walls. He settled on the porch steps and stared out at the beginning of a beautiful new day. Birds chirped nearby and a subtle breeze brushed his cheeks. He wanted to open up a little, to show her there’s a way forward after the shit hit the fan.
“Nah, it’s okay. I just don’t talk about it much.” He snorted. “Not at all really. I’m sure that’s not the healthiest way to deal with my issues. But if talking was my thing, then I wouldn’t have this. I wouldn’t have a successful business where I do what I love.”
Staying quiet, she sat and left an inch of space between them.
When the silence stretched on, he continued. “When I came home, I was a wreck. My mind, my nerves, my everything. I’d wanted out of Army life for so long, but when I came back to Pine Valley, I didn’t belong. Didn’t have a place here anymore like I had before. Add in PTSD and a ton of other shit I won’t get into, and I was lost.”
“How’d you find yourself again?”
“Your brother stepped in.” Matthew might be pissing him off right now, but Cade smiled at the memory of his best friend swooping in and helping get his life back on track. “He found me drunk at the bar and laid into me. He didn’t pussyfoot around, didn’t offer pity or sympathy. He gave me exactly what I needed—told me exactly what I needed to hear.”
Laura turned to him. Her head tilted to the side so her long blond hair spilled over one shoulder. “Which was?”
“To get off my ass. To get out of my head for a bit and start using my hands. To go back to my roots and do what I loved. So I bought this little patch of land outside of town and some tools and just started building. Every day, I came here and sweated out my anger and fears and troubles as best I could. And every day your brother worked beside me.”
“Sounds like Matthew.”
He nodded his agreement. “He didn’t save me, but he helped me save myself. Gave me purpose when I was drowning. And because of that, Mountaintop Construction was born, and I had a new home to live in.”
She sighed and propped her chin on her fist. “Sounds like you figured out how to take something painful and turn it into something beautiful.”
He studied her profile. He wanted to run his finger along the gentle slope of her nose or sweep the long strands of unruly hair behind her ear.
Get it together man.
Forcing his gaze forward, he focused on the wistful tone of her words. “I did, and you can too.”
She rested a palm on her tiny bump. “I hope so.”
The visual reminder of what her future held was like a fist in the gut. She had so much on her plate, the last thing she needed was for him to sit beside her with a headful of inappropriatethoughts. She needed a friend now more than anything else, and he needed to remember that, or he’d kick his own ass.
“I have no doubt.” He hopped up and offered her a hand. “Do you want to step inside while I change?”
She nestled her palm in his.
He couldn’t resist skimming the pad of his thumb across her smooth skin before pulling her to her feet.
Her subtle inhale of breath clenched his stomach muscles.
He dropped her hand and headed for the door. He might be late for work, but before he could continue his day with Laura by his side, he needed to take an ice-cold shower.
Laura squaredher shoulders and lifted her chin as she stepped into Mountaintop Construction’s office. The day was young, but between her confrontation with Isaac and time spent in Cade’s house while he showered, her nerves were stretched so tight she swore she’d snap any second.
Now she had to face the place where she’d been attacked, left on the floor like a pile of trash.
“You sure you’re okay?” Cade asked as if sensing her unease. He closed and locked the door behind him.
She stood near the entrance and stared down at the spot where she’d curled into herself, afraid she’d lost the baby. She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath. The baby was fine. She was fine.
A touch on her shoulder turned her around. She found herself gazing into Cade’s concerned eyes. “It’s hard thinking about what happened, but I’m all right.”
He flattened his lips into a thin line. “I have to grab a few things, and I’d like to take a closer look to make sure nothingwas tampered with. Nothing taken. If you’d like, I can walk you down to the food pantry to hang out with Mrs. Collins while I do a quick search.”
“Don’t be silly. I can help you. That’s what you’re paying me for, right?” She forced a lightness to her voice that rang false in her own ears. And judging by the way Cade scrunched his nose, he didn’t buy it either.