Page 24 of Laura's Safe Haven
He smiled, the devil inside him clear in his eyes. “We’re just having a friendly chat. No need to concern yourself.”
“There’s nothing friendly about you or this conversation,” Laura said, gaining confidence with Elsie’s presence. “You need to leave. Now.”
Isaac glared but put a little distance between them. “This isn’t over.”
A shiver raced down her spine, but she stood her ground.
Elsie took her hand and squeezed. “It’s over for now.”
“See you around.” Isaac grinned and turned to walk away.
Laura let out a long, shaky breath. Her legs threatened to buckle, and her heartrate refused to slow. “Thank you.”
“Do you want to come inside and sit? You’re a little pale.”
All she really wanted was to go home, crawl in bed, and forget she was forever tied to such a horrible man. How could she protect her child when she trembled in fear every time she saw Isaac? How could she protect herself?
“Honey,” Elsie said, breaking into her thoughts. “You’ll figure it out. I promise.”
“How do you know?” She hated the pleading in her voice, but at the moment, helplessness weighed her down.
A whisper of a smile lifted the corners of Elsie’s mouth. “Because you have to. Sometimes we face challenges in life we never imaged. Challenges that knock us down so hard, we think we can never stand up. But we have to get back up. Because someone else depends on us.” She nodded toward Laura’sstomach. “When the baby comes, you’ll fight harder than you ever thought possible. Trust me.”
She may have just met Elsie, but something in the way she spoke made Laura believe her. Made her want to know more about her and what had brought her to Pine Valley.
Before she could ask, a deputy cruiser pulled up to the curb. Cade’s anxious face in the passenger window sent such a wave of relief crashing against her, threatening to steal her breath.
Cade jumped from the car and rushed toward her. “Are you all right? You look upset.”
She forced a tight smile. “Just another lovely encounter with Isaac.”
A low growl rumbled from Cade’s chest.
The same deputy who’d talked with her after the break-in the night before jogged to them.
“Isaac was here,” Cade muttered.
“Did he hurt you?” the deputy asked. “Threaten you?”
“Not any more than usual,” she said with a small snort. “Snarky comments aimed at making me feel small.”
Cade tightened his fist at his sides. “I shouldn’t have left you.”
“You can’t be with me all the time. And I’m fine, really. Just shaken.”
“Do you want me to give you a ride somewhere?” Deputy Wells asked.
“My sister is meeting me back at the food pantry soon. I can walk. Besides, I can’t leave Mrs. Collins. She’s still inside, talking with customers.”
“If you want to leave now, I can grab her.” Elsie gave her hand another squeeze then disappeared inside the store to fetch Mrs. Collins.
“You sure you don’t want a ride?” Deputy Owens asked.
“I’ll walk with her.” Cade shifted to stand beside her.
Her core tingled at his nearness.
Deputy Owens touched the brim of his hat. “Call if you need anything at all.”