Page 35 of Laura's Safe Haven
She took his hand and squeezed. “I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for everything. We need to find it.”
Her presence calmed his nerves, and he clung onto her encouragement. No matter the reason, she was right. There was an explanation. He was just afraid of what it was.
Brenda’s dangly bracelets announced her return and she handed over the thick envelope. “If you need anything else, I’m always happy to help.”
“Thanks.” He took the offered envelope then pressed a hand on the small of Laura’s back to steer her past the seating area with two black chairs and a tiny loveseat. He always wondered who the furniture was set up for as he’d never actually seen anyone sit on it.
The glass door nestled between two offices opened before he reached it. Her father, Mayor Jenson Metcalf, and his wife, Nicole, stepped inside.
Laura stiffened and froze beside him.
“Well look who it is,” Jenson said, his mouth in a tight line, slightly curved on one side.
Nicole extended her arms and engulfed Laura in a hug. “Oh, darling. I’m so happy to see you. It’s been too long. And look at you.”
Jenson rested a hand on his wife’s shoulder and tugged her back to his side. “That’s enough, Nicole. No need to cause a scene.”
Laura scowled. “She’s just hugging her daughter, Dad.”
The curve left Jenson’s lips, and something darkened in his light blue eyes. “Well, that daughter is already the talk of the town. No need to get more tongues wagging.”
Cade’s hackles rose. He’d formed his own opinion of Jenson Metcalf at an early age. Coming from a happy home filled with love and respect, it was easy to spot a bully. To feel the oppressive tension smothering the Metcalf house the moment he stepped inside.
His protective instincts kicked in. He took a closer step to Laura and kept his palm flattened against her spine. Jenson might have overlooked him as a kid, not noticed him hiding in the shadows as he berated and emotionally tortured his kids, but Cade always saw him.
Always heard him.
Always knew the monster behind the well-placed mask.
That monster was slipping through the veneer, his sights set on Laura. He didn’t care who Jenson Metcalf was, no way he’d allow the man to harm Laura. Wouldn’t let him send her into an emotional tailspin with the manipulation and snide comments he aimed like missiles.
He leaned close to Laura’s ear, gaze locked on her father. “You okay?”
She nodded.
Jenson snorted. “You think you need to protect her from her own father? It appears she’s gotten into more than enough trouble since spending time with you.” He kept his voice low, mindful not to let anyone walking by hear the harsh words he spoke with his jovial expression still in place.
“Dad, stop.”
Finally, Jenson schooled his features into a sympathetic smile. “I’m just worried about you. You’re pregnant and alone and not talking to Isaac. Honey, he’s the father of your child and you’re spreading rumors that he came after you. You two really need to work this out. You can’t do this alone.”
Cade waited a couple seconds to give Laura the space and time she needed to answer her father, but when she didn’t, he slid his hand from her back to wrap around her waist, hopefully giving her support.
“She’s not alone,” he said, voice firm and strong. “She has a village around her.”
Jenson glared at Cade. “She needs her family. She needs Isaac.”
Laura lifted her chin. “I have everything I need. No thanks to you. Come on, Cade.”
She grabbed his hand and marched outside.
Pride swelled inside him. He focused on that instead of the soft sniffles of Nicole and his swift desire to put his fist in Jenson’s face.
The sun beat down,intensifying the heat building inside Laura. Tears burned the backs of her eyes. The pressure in her chest hurt almost as much as the ache threatening to split her heart in two. The only thing keeping her from completely crumbling was the feel of Cade’s strong hand in hers.
Cade walked past his truck parked outside the bank.
“Where are we going?” she asked, glancing behind her to make sure her parents hadn’t followed them outside.